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Showing posts from 2025

Lost your husband?

He's in a better place. Talking and screaming to God is definitely ok. I hope u don't get to that place but if that's all that comes up, then it might just have to do because God hears and He listens. He knows and He is with you right now. Turning you into a widow is definitely not the plan. And not everything bad that happens is God's fault. But all things work out for good to those that love Him and are called according to His purposes. And He will turn your sorrow into joy. He will turn things around for you. I'm sure of it.

One sided relationships

Been there. It hurts and you wish it didn't. She's moved on but what you've got is an imagination of a potential that there might be something there for you but there really isn't and no, she's not going to change her mind about you. There's zero chance. You might even lose her as a friend. That's sad, too. The truth is things will never be the same again. Yes, you've got to let her go, both as a potential and a friend. That's love. To love a person so much, that you would let them go and be free to love someone they really do love, even if that person is not you. I don't usually say this, but go find a game you like to play, get some dopamine and enjoy yourself. She's gone. Also, depending on how long you have been close, that's how long it usually takes to get over it... 

Still feeling sinful?

He washes you clean by His blood.  1 John 1:7 But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin. You also need to confess with your mouth:  1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. When all that is done, forgive yourself.

Work giving you anxiety

That's not nice. I hate having to do something that gives me anxiety. But then again, just about every job we have will give us a certain amount of it. If I were you, I'd try to forge a plan where I only have a certain amount of years left to do this while I work towards getting myself out of that misery. For example, save enough to buy a property you can rent out or learn to do some crypto trading. Something with less anxiety but enough to earn as much.

Silent Brothers

Brothers not asking how you're doing after you have left the nest?  I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters. Trust me, it's a guy thing. Don't take it personally. They mean well, just not very sociable. Think of a way you can still contribute to their lives and talk about something good you have in common.

When your milk is drying up

Just keep trying. Sometimes you feel like nothing is coming out but it is. But if you wait, it will just dry up. Keep on letting him suck directly instead of a pump. That will help to lubricate things which triggers the breast to produce. Try to avoid the pump for now. Also, if it bleeds or dries up, breast milk is the best thing to bring healing. Food that will help in milk production: high omega 3 foods with high content of good oils or good fats, i.e. salmon belly, avocado, etc. because milk is mostly made of fats. Salmon belly is cheaper than the rest of the salmon because they have bones but their oil content is also so high that nobody really enjoys eating it. Due to the high oil content, just fry it on a non-stick without adding any cooking oil. Add salt and slices of citrus for flavour. They will turn sweet and their tartness will make the salmon more palatable so you can eat in larger quantities without getting tired of eating too much. ...and dirty diapers mean your baby is g...

Resurrection Sunday is NOT Easter

Resurrection Sunday is not Easter. While many think they are just calling Easter something else, those who celebrate Resurrection Sunday would strongly protest if you suggested they were celebrating Easter. Why is that? Because Easter has nothing to do with the Resurrection, no matter what Wikipedia says about it. The word, 'Easter', itself came from the word, 'Eostre', a goddess which has nothing to do with Christianity. Therefore, Easter and Resurrection Sunday are NOT the same thing at all. Those who celebrate Easter do so with eggs and bunnies. On the other hand, those who celebrate the Resurrection do so with Christ. Christians who celebrate Easter to celebrate the Resurrection, should consider celebrating Resurrection Sunday instead. Resurrection Sunday is actually linked to the passover. Although many would follow the date of Easter and choose that day to celebrate Resurrection Sunday, the best time to celebrate Good Friday and the Resurrection is always during t...

Feeling like sin is separating you from God?

That is true. Sin separates us from God. Isaiah 59:2 NKJV.  But your iniquities have separated you from your God; And your sins have hidden His face from you, So that He will not hear. Therefore, ask God to forgive your sins. 1 John 1:8-9  If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Chinese are descendants of Abraham and Natives come from Babel

Chinese people are descendants of Abraham. When Sarah passed away, Abraham married Keturah but he had other concubines besides that. Any offspring he had from these concubines were sent towards the East (China).  Genesis 6:25 But Abraham gave gifts to the sons of the concubines which Abraham had; and while he was still living he sent them eastward , away from Isaac his son, to the country of the east . In the past, scholars believed that China was the land of Sinim mentioned in Isaiah 49:12: Surely these shall come from afar; Look! Those from the north and the west, And these from the land of Sinim .” However, this theory was proven wrong. The land of Sinim was indeed the eastern province of Egypt, land of Syene, southern Egypt, near Aswan. Matthew 2:1 Now after  Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold,  wise men  from the East came to Jerusalem, Between 6 B.C. and 4 B.C., not many countries had the technology and adv...

Why I Celebrate Australia Day

Thank you for colonizing instead of wiping everyone off this island. I'm glad the British came, and not some ruthless country. They brought hospitals, schools and civilization. And did not simply destroy everything and everyone in sight. The dead cannot protest. The fact that so much culture still remains today is reason to celebrate Australia Day.

Are you a 'Lightning Rod'?

It's something all Christians should be having -- anyone who REALLY WANTS the Lord should be able to do all that. It's called being a Christian. Your desire for God is genuine but what you really need at this point is to hear His voice in order to develop your relationship to the point of intimacy with God. I am beginning a Bible study end of Jan. It's online and on site. Happy to teach you how to hear from God and to sharpen your spiritual ears so to make it more accurate. It's important to hear Him not just on a daily basis, but 24/7.

Miscarriage after a few

Had a miscarriage after 3 healthy children. It's never easy. I guess it's harder for those who have kids because they know what it's like for this kid to actually grow up.  It's not your fault. It's easy to think about what you might have done wrong -- don't. It's not you. Also, this baby is in Heaven and you will meet him/her one day. This baby will never be lost but will always have eternal life. And that's what counts. You can't go wrong with this one.

Feed Wildlife

The natural way is for animals to naturally come to humans for help in times of desperation and the natural thing for humans to do is feed. We are nature. So be natural and feed. Sometimes we forget what is the natural thing to do.

Wedding Mayhem

It is in times like this that you need to pause, take a step back and restart everything. This is your opportunity to think outside the box. If no one has RSVPed, there's really nobody to please but yourselves.  My greatest wedding regret is to have my family say they are coming and then hide in a room somewhere during the entire meal leaving the whole table empty except my parents, his parents and my godparents' family. My four siblings and their families all hid in another room because one of them told the rest that there wasn't enough food....  To cut the long story short, don't please anyone but yourselves on that day. You might even consider eloping.... Just think outside the box maybe? My brother had his on a cruise.. Weddings are once in a lifetime so even though it's not fun planning it now, please try to make it as fun as possible, because if it's not, the wedding can't be fun either. Sometimes it can be a reflection of how much you've enjoyed e...

Post-partum Depression

Feed directly and skin to skin if possible at all, and as much as possible. Also have lots of sleep whenever the baby is sleeping, and find other moms with bubs to share with.. I'm sorry you have to go through this.. try to make yourself happy and comfortable.. try to enjoy the baby -- dressing up, etc. and buying stuff for baby. If you have financial issues, family, marriage or other issues, that can worsen the experience.. it might help to seek for external help - food bank is open, churches are open, and it helps to blog and join some Facebook groups that you can open up on. But know that you are an amazing mom. You don't have to do anything to make yourself a better Mom than you already are. You are perfect. And your baby just needs you.

Pre-marital Fears

Some men propose and then sound like they want nothing to do with the wedding, starts withdrawing and then talk about work a lot. As his fiance, you panic, thinking he is didn't really want to get married at all, and sees this as a red flag.  Chill. It's not like that at all. Perhaps talk to him about this but know one thing -- men often feel defeated when they feel like there is something they should be doing but unable to do it. In this case, perhaps he did not expect the cost of wedding to be this high. I am guessing he just wanted to marry you because he loved you and wanted to spend the rest of his life with you but did not expect weddings to cost this much and is embarrassed to tell you or did not want to disappoint you. Instead of being frank with you, he tries to hint and starts emphasizing about work and earning more, saying stuff like "can't take a day off". But you're so excited that you didn't get the drift... He's probably hoping you could...

AI with God

AI is bound to happen whether we like it or not. It's like how electronics and the internet is a large part of our lives today. Trying to avoid is close to impossible. But what we can do is to see it from God's point of view -- how God would like us to view AI and how we can be stewards of this new tech so that we are not part of the group that complains but the group that is using AI for the glory and praise of God. This is my take but read the book, 'Navigating AI with Faith' by Elijah Low, to get a full understanding of AI in God.

Eternal Survival Mode

Yes, been there. Still on survival mode 13 years later. All I can say, get some sleep.  1. Try to put the baby to sleep and sleep at the same time 2. Priorities -- everything is screaming as priority but you've just got to let some things go because they really aren't. What used to be priority before the baby is no more a priority now. Make sacrifices. 3. Relax a little -- it's ok if the house is in a mess and someone is coming over. It's ok to look like you don't got it. It's okay to look like a failure. It's ok, it's ok, it's ok. Just let it go. Do your best and keep it real.

Prenup Marriage is not Marriage

 Never marry one who is planning for a divorce. All you need is a good chat with your future spouse. If you can't trust him with your money, you can't trust him with your body and you definitely can't trust him with your kids. If you don't trust him, don't marry him. Period. Once you bring up the word, 'prenup', you bring up the word, 'divorce'. Once you bring up the word, 'divorce', marriage is unstable. There's nothing to talk about. It's off.  A marriage built on prenups is not a marriage; it's just a partnership. A marriage with legality at its foundation rather than love and trust is not a marriage; it's a legal partnership with an exit. Marriage has no exit. There is no Plan B. A marriage with a Plan B is a cup with a hole in it. It defeats the purpose of marriage. Might as well reside in a defacto relationship with a prenup. Don't call it marriage. Men who ask for a prenup doesn't love his woman enough to die fo...