Monday, September 16, 2013

What love is...

Love is an action.

If you know how to love, then you know exactly how God feels about you.

If you can stand back and watch the wonders of what love can do, then you can stand back and watch the wonders of what God can do.

The only love that I have for you is the love of God. And if that is not enough then I am so sorry for you.

Don't stinge on love - there will always be plenty to go around.

Can I be the one? - God

Not because you deserve it, but because you don't.

A sanctuary is more than just a building - it is the state of the heart.

What's the use of knowledge without understanding, experience without maturity, words of wisdom without the substance of integrity, strong will without depth in character, godly values without godly fear, practicality without faith, and love that is conditional?

You know what's in my heart, but now I need to know what's in Yours.

When I think about the way He died on the cross for me, how could I ever say that nobody ever loved me?

I'm sorry, dear.. You will never be able to satisfy me. Because I've already found my Hero.

Sometimes, we are too concerned and overwhelmed with the wedding that we totally ignore the Groom.

I have the perfect love Story and I don't need anyone to rewrite it, thank you.

Love. He didn't need to but He did.

To give love is easy but to receive it is difficult.

When it comes to love... it's all in the details.


it is one thing to leave a legacy behind but it is another thing to live an eternal legacy

The future is the reality. The present is merely the past.

you can change the past if you change your mindset

if i am right all the time, something is wrong

Dear dogs, if you want to live with a cat, you have to learn to be a cat

if you want to be remembered for anything, be remembered for your worship

What makes a man a man? - love

it might look like nobody is on my side but at least I know that I am on Your side

forgiveness is the only way to maintain a pure heart

Transformation starts from the heart. I need to reformat my heart.

life is not a competition - it is a race

the best mother in the world is a mother that prays

Only Your love can bring me through

God, the boss; I'm the CEO

Don't chase me - chase God. You chase God and I will chase God with you.

Is your God to bless your business or is your business to bless your God?

I cannot live my song until I sing it. Because if I don’t sing it, I will never really know what it is.

Everything about me is of relevance to You

When Jesus died on the cross, He was thinking of you

It is impossible to love without sacrifice.

Jesus is so full of love because He is love

It's what we choose to remember that determines who we will be


guys only know how to have fun.. girls only know how to spoil their fun


i have passed too many datelines. I need to fire myself.

i am homemade

I'm expecting. My job is to eat. Most difficult thing I've ever done my whole life.