Resurrection Sunday is not Easter. While many think they are just calling Easter something else, those who celebrate Resurrection Sunday would strongly protest if you suggested they were celebrating Easter. Why is that? Because Easter has nothing to do with the Resurrection, no matter what Wikipedia says about it. The word, 'Easter', itself came from the word, 'Eostre', a goddess which has nothing to do with Christianity. Therefore, Easter and Resurrection Sunday are NOT the same thing at all.
Those who celebrate Easter do so with eggs and bunnies. On the other hand, those who celebrate the Resurrection do so with Christ. Christians who celebrate Easter to celebrate the Resurrection, should consider celebrating Resurrection Sunday instead.
Resurrection Sunday is actually linked to the passover. Although many would follow the date of Easter and choose that day to celebrate Resurrection Sunday, the best time to celebrate Good Friday and the Resurrection is always during the passover which do not always coincide with Easter.