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Showing posts from 2024

Children's Ministry Leader/Parent?

Pray and ask the Holy Spirit for a long term plan. Pray for each kid every day. Work on their individual spiritual growth rather than on activities. Build a good relationship with them. Raise them to be leaders  Raise a worship team Have them serve in the church service doing little things Teach them to do devotion every day

Pregnant through science

Wow.. how interesting. Let us go back to the beginning.. to the purpose of a family unit:  Gen 1:27 So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. The purpose of humankind is to represent God (The Holy Trinity)on earth: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Thus, one man alone cannot fully represent God. It takes a family -- which brings us to the purpose of a family -- to represent God. A single mother is not the ideal. Single motherhood is just a part of the whole and has never been the perfect will of God, tho it may be the permissable will of God. Basically, it is not ideal. The ideal would be for her to believe God for a man that God has appointed for her. A child should be the product of love, intimacy and communion. Ideally. Now that what has been done has been done, I wouldn't even bother to wonder if it is a sin or not lest I should sound like a Pharisee -- what difference does it make as the damage ...

Your Kid's Wish List

Don't know what to get for Christmas for your kid? My daughter made her avatar with AI -- it was a picture of herself, with Axolotl clothes in an axolotl themed room and a lap top with an axolotl cover. I soon realized I was looking at her unconscious Christmas wish list. Try asking your daughter to create a picture of herself with AI

Mommy, what's Santa?

What I did with mine was that when they mentioned Santa, I would tell them the truth. Lying is a sin. And they need to trust us because if Santa can be fake and we make them believe that, they will think Jesus is fake too. Our credibility is at stake.  This is what I say: "So the truth is that Santa was actually St Nicholas -- he was a very good guy and this is what he did for the kids who couldn't afford toys but then he died a long time ago. People today just want to remember his contributions but the way they did it took away the true meaning of Christmas of Jesus and His birth. And that's why we don't do Santa. But other kids do, and their parents lie to them about it. But we must not interfere with what other parents say to their kids. So if someone asks, it's ok to say that we just don't do Santa. We do Baby Jesus."

Oreo Method: Delegating to Kids

Two ways to do it -- I call this the Oreo Method: you either eat the cookies or the cream: Cookie Method If you aren't in a hurry that day, the kids routinely do the tasks they're worst at until they 'graduate' from doing that task -- you're happy with the standards they're achieving for that task. This can go on for months. Cream Method Or when you're in a hurry: the other way around -- the kids do the chores they're the best at and the house gets put in order quickly.

Racism and all

Racism is real. Was hit so hard lately that I changed both my profile pic and cover photo on Facebook. I can't do business or ministry on social media without hiding my face and race, unfortunately... Even when I wrote a book, I didn't put my picture and definitely did not disclose my ethnicity, nationality or even age. Given a choice, I would even hide the fact that I am a woman and go by an alias or my last name, like J K Rowling.  And if my grammar was incorrect in parts of my speech or posts... That's a giveaway.

Young People Dating

Your daughter/son needs to learn to pray and hear from God on their own. If they can't provide evidence that it is God's will, they should refrain until both of them can provide such evidence.  If they can't hear from God, that's something to be concerned about because if we can't hear God, we don't have a relationship with God because no one can have a relationship with anyone without two-way communication.

Jesus is the Son of God, not just a prophet

 30 I and My Father are one.” John 10:30 61 But He kept silent and answered nothing. Again the high priest asked Him, saying to Him, “Are You the Christ, the Son of the Blessed?” 62 Jesus said, “I am. And you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Power, and coming with the clouds of heaven.” Mark 14:61-62 13 When Jesus came into the region of Caesarea Philippi, He asked His disciples, saying, “Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?” 14 So they said, “Some say John the Baptist, some Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” 15 He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” 16 Simon Peter answered and said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” 17 Jesus answered and said to him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven. 18 And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. 19 And ...

Christmas with older kids

is mostly the same as with the younger kids: Baking, decorating, setting up a super large Christmas town out of Lego together in the living room (check out YouTube for inspiration), setting up a Nativity Scene in the front yard out of pallets, have friends come over a couple of days before, hot cocoa with marshmallows and peppermint candy sticks, s'mores, reading the Christmas story in front of the fire, sharing your Christmas stories, take lots of photos with themed wear or matchies, plan Christmas at a log cabin instead, get a puppy... the list is endless

How to do Devotion?

 1. There is a difference between canned food and fresh food. Similarly, devotionals we buy from the shops are to me like canned food -- someone else has come up with them some time ago and preserved their devotionals in a book which we buy from the shelf. But spiritual fresh food is when we hear from God what He is saying today in our current situation. Don't get me wrong -- the Holy Spirit can use any situation to speak to us, just like canned food may still be nutritious. But eventually, I still prefer to eat my fresh veggies which I harvested and they're much more nutritious. 2. Devotion is not Bible Study. The word 'devotion' itself comes from the word, 'devote' which is when we devote our time, life and energy to God. The purpose of devotion is to develop intimacy with God whereas the purpose of Bible Study is to understand the Word of God. One feeds your Spirit, the other your head. Again, don't get me wrong -- the Bible says we study to show ourselve...

Homeschooling vs Christian School

Nothing can replace my relationship with my kids. I want to be the one to show them the answers to a difficult question, the one filled with joy when they first learn to read, the one who shows them all the multiplication hacks and the one who opened up their eyes to countries they've never been to before. Plus, nobody else is more responsible for their education than I. I can't blame the teacher if anything goes wrong. And even if I try to, what do I get throwing the blame around? Ultimately, I will do my best to teach my own kids and nobody else will put in the kind of effort I am willing to.

Too Many Toys

Hide everything. Take one basket of toys at a time. Pack different sets in different bags for when he goes out so when you're in a rush, just grab one bag with toys he's not played with in a while and that will keep him occupied especially when you're going somewhere he needs to keep quiet or like a long drive.

More conversational writing

As an English teacher, I try to encourage students to engage in as much dialogue as possible in their writing. Pick up any good book and just scan through the pages to find out the percentage of content that is actually pure conversation and thinking to oneself; and you'll realize that more than half to 80% of story content is indeed made up of dialogues.  She just needs a few pointers: 1. Punctuation -- I can't emphasize this enough -- open with open inverted commas, and end with a comma or full stop (she needs to be able to tell which), before her closing inverted commas. 2. Each conversation and reply is a paragraph by itself -- each person in a dialogue will open a new paragraph unless it's the same person continuing a sentence after an action, i.e. "Hello," he said while looking at her, "How are you?"

If Your Husband is in Love with Someone Else

Other than praying for your husband, you can try a few things: 1. Pray and fast for him 2. Every morning, ask "How can I love you today?" 3. Look into his eyes, hold his hands and tell him how much you appreciate all he has done and how much he means to you, sincerely from your heart. 4. Wash his feet. Literally. With a bucket of water. 5. How you feel now isn't half as bad as how it's going to be if you really have that divorce. Do everything you can to save your marriage the devil is attacking. That woman is not from God. He is committing adultery. Don't give up.

What is Love?

God is Love. Also.. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 1 Cor 13:4-7 And.. Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends. John 15:13

Minimalism Vs Relationships

It's the way it is being done. Instead of forcing him, perhaps having a conversation and having him make the offer to do something about his stuff.  Don't force it or have this dealt with harshly because at the end of the day, relationships are more important than having stuff or being a minimalist and we have to weigh out what really matters to us in this life. And if being a minimalist means losing your son, it's not worth it. And think about fixing that relationship. Remember your priorities. Relationship comes before Lifestyle.

Jesus Criticized

 14 But the ruler of the synagogue answered with indignation, because Jesus had healed on the Sabbath; and he said to the crowd, “There are six days on which men ought to work; therefore come and be healed on them, and not on the Sabbath day.” Jesus was criticized publicly. But what did Jesus do when He was criticized? 15 The Lord then answered him and said, “Hypocrite! Does not each one of you on the Sabbath loose his ox or donkey from the stall, and lead it away to water it? 16 So ought not this woman, being a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan has bound—think of it—for eighteen years, be loosed from this bond on the Sabbath?” 17 And when He said these things, all His adversaries were put to shame; and all the multitude rejoiced for all the glorious things that were done by Him. Be like Jesus and stand for righteousness.


I'm using the JesusSchooling Method. It is not a curriculum but is a homeschooling method which can be used with any existing curriculum or resources you have and all subjects are intertwined into it.  It goes from Genesis to Revelations each year, so that sets your themes for the day and you get to pick and choose which activities and resources you would like to do with your kids for that day based on those themes, just arrange what your have in Bible order. It's great because your kids get to learn together even though they are different ages because they're sharing the same theme. I am also writing a curriculum based on that method but it's not finished. I share what I can here

Previously "forced" to get baptized and speak in tongues?

Get baptized again. Nothing wrong with that. At least this time, it's from your heart. You don't HAVE to speak in tongues immediately. But some people learn by following others first, that's possible, not always the case. Some just get it without anyone teaching them. But no, it's not mocking to teach it. Everyone is different, that's all. But the question now is whether you want to learn to speak in tongues or not. I believe God created tongues for us to use, and He had a reason for it. Romans 8:26 "Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered." What probably should have been done is to first share with you the main reason for baptism. John 1:4-5 "John came baptizing in the wilderness and preaching a baptism of repentance for the remission of sins. 5 Then all the land of Judea, and those from Jerusalem, ...

Failing Homeschooling

A few things to do: 1. Electronics are out of bounds. Not a single second of the week or he will have a relapse. Usually most kids these days have no appetite to learn because they get too high a dosage of dopamine from electronics. It takes the joy out of learning, out of chores and out of going outdoors. 2. Homeschooling is not school at home. Before homeschooling, always deschool for a couple of weeks and find out what type of homeschooling suits your family: Wildschooling, Natureschooling, Forestschooling, Gameschooling, Worldschooling, etc. the list goes on. My kids and I have settled for JesusSchooling where the Bible is the textbook and we go through the Bible from Gen to Rev each year with all subjects intertwined into it. 3. If he is not on electronics, you're done deschooling, and he is still having an issue, the problem is the curriculum (and yes, there are plenty of workbook curricula out there). So try Sonlight. 4. If you still have issues after all this, talk to me. A...

Overwhelming Clutter

I realized that if it's too overwhelming, it means I am at the mercy of my feelings. If that's so, when I suddenly feel like picking something up or arranging something, I jump on it. And it works. I can go on for hours and it can go a long way. Just don't quench that clean up feeling when it comes, no matter how small...

Future Entrepreneur?

Start making money now.  I started making money when I was 8 years old renting out books for 10c to 50c depending on the book. My parents had no idea. When I was 9, I started planning on how to make money so I could drop out of school. I had plans to rare chickens and sell eggs (but never actually got to it.) I wanted to raise capital so I could start my own kindergarten..  When I was 11, I sold stickers. Also ran the Children's Church Fund Raising stall in my church fund raising event. I also organized my first children's church camp. All these are highly important opportunities for entrepreneurs. When I was 12, I sold burgers. When I was 14, I started working as a cashier to get some experience. When I was 16, I worked as a retail assistant for more experience. Also ran the only Food Stall at my church fund raising event. When I was 18, I sold recyclable items. Helped my church to do it too. Catered food to college mates. The list goes on.

Clutter is Cash

Put a price on it and ask yourself if you're willing to pay that amount -- use this for deciding how much to sell it for and whether you'll keep it or sell it. E.g. I see a candlestick - would I pay $3 for this?  No? Ok, it's for sale for $3. Yes, I'm willing to pay $3. But I won't be willing to pay $5 for this. So it's on sale for $5.

Lousy Father

Your job is to be the Helper, in other words, to be the Holy Spirit to him. The Holy Spirit is gentle and affectionate.  Nobody is perfect. When there is expectation, there is disappointment. Expect nothing. But when you expect him to be a good father or a father at all, you will be disappointed. His time will come when his time comes. We have no right to judge even if we have been praying through for our husbands everyday. What if Smith Wigglesworth's wife gave up on him? Some people need more prayer and more time. It is our job to educate our kids on what marriage is supposed to look like -- never bad mouth our spouses, always respecting, even those who do not respect us in return. We are not mirror images of our spouses. We are mirrors images of Jesus.  If we fail to teach our kids on what commitment looks like, they will have just as bad a marriage when they grow up. And it falls on us. If your husband has not been unfaithful to you, you do not have a reasonable excuse to ...

Disrespectful Spouse

 Forgiveness is long-suffering. There's nothing you can do but keep praying and hope to see the change. On your part, do nothing disrespectful towards your spouse. Do not treat him the way he treats you. We are not mirrors of our husband. We are mirrors of Christ. In one ear, out the other, and out the window. Take nothing personally and definitely do not take anything to heart. Forgive 77X7, with long-suffering and perseverance.  Do not blame yourself for anything. We are not fighting flesh and blood but principalities and powers, rulers of darkness.  Talk to Jesus. He will turn all the negativity into positivity. He will turn the "You're so dumb," into "I made you brilliant," and "You are a lousy mother" into "nobody can do a better job than you".

Pride and Joy

PRIDE AND JOY Queen Elizabeth's father, King George had two daughters: his pride and joy. Elizabeth was his pride, and Margaret, his joy. (And no, it's not a case of Mary and Martha.) I believe that all of God's children are different - some are his pride, others his joy; perhaps some are both. But the big brother out there changing the world does not judge his younger sister for cuddling up in her father's arms and nothing else for the last 24 hours; and the younger sister at home does not judge her elder brother who's working tirelessly to save the world, for missing dinner. It is time the New Apostolic Reformation and the Jesus Movement converge. That's the Latter Rain Movement -- His pride and joy.

Which Job?

Pray about this. Life isn't just about earning money and raising kids. If you have dedicated your life to God, seek direction. He has a plan for your life. Sometimes doing what God wants is not what we want, or what other people think is right for us. You can find out God's will for your life by reading the Bible and asking the Holy Spirit to speak to you. The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.” John 3:18 You may even be surprised at what the Lord is asking you to do. ...nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done.” Luke 22:42

Misconceptions about 7th Day Adventists (SDA)

What's wrong with Seventh Day Adventists? I'm interdenominational and have met really amazing Seventh Day Adventists I have high regard for. They're just a different denomination, not cults. I've read a couple of articles but still don't see anything wrong with SDAs. They still believe in faith and grace. A cult will add or subtract from the Word of God. They don't add or subtract. A cult would deny Jesus as both 100% man and 100% God. They don't deny that. So they're no more considered cults as some think. Just a different denomination. Their extreme teachings aren't extreme enough to fall into the "cult" category. They're not JW or Mormons. Also, the writer of some of these online articles I've read against the SDAs are also questionable. But that's a different topic altogether. They never said Ellen White's writings are equal to the Bible. They said the revelation and inspiration behind it-- meaning the Holy Spirit. Meani...

Kid wants to be a doc?

Dissect as many dead creatures she can get her hands on. Have tons of pets - various varieties and paired so they multiply and she can raise them from birth or egg. When they get sick, have her scope the garden for various weeds and plants she thinks could be a herb, download the plant app to identify it, then Google it's health benefits. Look for cures in your backyard.

My Valedictorian Speech - Doctorate in Ministry - Velecdictory

 I represent the class of 2016.  First and foremost, I would like to appreciate the people who brought this day into being: God, who never fails and makes sure we never really do; Rev. Dr. Dexter and Lily Low, my parents, who have poured not just knowledge but spirit, heart, and soul –their lives– into all of us –we truly hope we have lived up to your standards; and all our other lecturers who have been coming from all over the world whose hearts were to make us the signs and wonders God has intended us to be– you are all true servants of the living God. Thank you for those sleepless nights and invaluable insight that superceeds the treasures of the world. [pause] Not all of us are here because we earned it. Some of us are here because we have, in fact, unintentionally earned it. When I was still schooling, my dad used to say, “Don’t just study for the sake of studying. Study because you want to learn. It is not about the grades. It is about learning because you want to.”...

Living together before Christ

After living for years in sin, you finally receive Jesus and you and your partner are saved! Congratulations 🎉 👏🏻  Can you still have sex outside marriage? Nope. Sex is not allowed. Need to get married ASAP.. it's not about the tradition or ceremony. The issue is to make a vow and covenant before the Lord. You don't need to make it huge. Just get it done legally and have the pastor to officiate it and a couple of witnesses. Remember -- you're not doing this for the people -- you're doing this for the Lord, to the Lord, presenting yourselves to God so your marriage may be blessed by God What about the sins before this? That was before you were baptized. You're a different person now. The devil cannot accuse you for what you did before baptism. That person is dead and you are a new creation. A brand new human being. Reborn. Whoever it was before baptism was not you. 2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed a...

My Take on the Trinity

Yes. Jesus is God. Right from the beginning of the World, it was always "Us": God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. "Let Us make them in Our Image" Genesis 1:26 And John 1:1-3 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. The reason why the word for 'God' was different in the Old Testament than the New testament is because the Old Testament was written in Hebrew and the New Testament in Greek. Jesus is God. John 10 30 I and My Father are one.” 31 Then the Jews took up stones again to stone Him. 32 Jesus answered them, “Many good works I have shown you from My Father. For which of those works do you stone Me?” 33 The Jews answered Him, saying, “For a good work we do not stone You, but for blasphemy, and because You, being a Man, make Yourself God.” Matthew 28:19 Go therefore and make disciples...

A grudge

Christianity is all about forgiveness. God can only forgive us as much as we have forgiven others. If we have something against someone, we need to leave our gift at the altar and settle it with our brother. Also, don't forget the parable of the servant who did not forgive the debt of his fellow servant when the master had forgiven him all his debts. The Bible tells us that he who does not love his brother does not know God and the Love of God is not in him. 1 John 4:7-21 Love is not a feeling. It is a choice. Forgiveness is a choice, not a feeling. First choose to forgive, and if necessary, speak it forth aloud to the Lord that you forgive your brother. This will help. And how you feel about it will come later .

Dressing Standards

To put it into perspective -- I wouldn't wear a tee to church. I would dress modestly, and appropriately because I want to honor God through the way I dress and wearing a tee to church just isn't my best worship when it comes to dressing. When I dress well, I honor the person whose house I've been invited to. I honor the occasion I am attending -- whether it is a private gathering or public. I give them respect and by so doing, my family and husband whom I represent are in turn respected for respecting.  At home, I dress up for my husband. This means I am not in my tees either. I dress to make him happy -- doesn't mean it has to be revealing as the postman might knock on the door with a parcel I have to sign for -- or the neighbour might say hi. But I dress well enough that he can see I'm putting effort in to look nice for him -- even at home.

A Higher Standard than Christians

Stick to your gut feeling -- it's more than just clothes and boys. It is about standing up for what you believe in, even when Christians -- yes, Christians -- her age are doing the same unapproved thing. It's not judging them -- it's having a higher standard. It is about being called of God to be holy. God has a different expectation on each person based on their different calling. Not everyone is called to be a Nazarite. Samson's parents had him do lots of things normal people don't do. John the Baptist was considered weird. We don't expect them to come close to what we aim for and don't try to influence them. But this is what we expect of ourselves and this is what we strife for. As for my believes about 15 year olds dating, it's a big NO. Dancing at a dance class or wedding, yes. They can have a boyfriend if they have graduated and started working with a proper job or business, not a part time job or casual on the side. And if they have prayed about i...


Pray for them everyday, and if it helps, dress up when they are around - so as to get as much respect as possible. It helps damper the abuse. Dress up as a cultured, educated, intelligent and independent young woman and talk to them gently. Dressing up also creates a boundary between you and them. Also dress your kids up so they look smart, not orphaned or neglected in any way.

Our paths on earth

No we don't choose what path we are on when it comes to our family background growing up but we do choose our future. I believe God has an ultimate destiny for each person but if we choose to stray away, that's also our choice. But His plans for us are for good and not for evil, to give us a hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11 Also, our purpose in life is all about developing our relationship with God. This is why He created us. Without our ability to hear God, we cannot develop this relationship. So talk to Him and listen to Him all the time. He will tell you what path to take when you are facing a crossroad.

Can't cope with all the kids around?

Do what you love and bring your kids along. That helps. I love painting. I also love flag dancing. Create happy memories and don't exert too much pressure on yourself or compare yourself with anyone on insta. No expectations, no disappointments. Take one day at a time. People are constantly telling you what to do and what you're doing wrong. Just do your best and make sure your kids know you love them and God loves them. Don't take on more than you can handle. Plenty of activities out there -- just stay home if you have too -- there's already so much going on at home. Not every activity is meant for you. Time is of the essence. Need to make good choices, can't afford to waste your time or energy on that which is not the focus. Get rid of electronics 100% and they will have less fights, less murmur and less grumbles, less sulking and less entitled. They will play more with each other and be better friends and more helpful around the house. For once, they will be thei...

What's the difference

Knowing the difference: Generous Vs Wasteful Generous is when someone else benefits. Wasteful is when nobody benefits. Godly Vs Crazy Godly meaning being a fool for Christ. You'll need to be crazy to be godly. Persistence Vs Stubborn  Persistence is when you insist on doing the right thing. Stubborn is when you insist on doing the wrong thing. Thrifty Vs Stingy Thrifty is when you save from unnecessary spending. Stingy is when you save on necessary spending. Faithful Vs Foolish Faithful is when you stick to your commitments. Foolish is when you stray from them.

Natural Remedies for Small Animals

I am utterly dumbfounded by how little knowledge is available on the Internet when it comes to saving my pet rabbit, guinea pigs or even chickens when they have health issues. With all the craze on organics and alternative medication there is today, why are we still feeding them processed food and why is the only solution always to bring them to the vet? Isn't there a natural pathway for animals as well? Why are we still prescribing antibiotics when we know that it can cause just as much harm to them especially without probiotics? My guinea pig has Upper Respiratory Infection (URI). I know that because he is wheezing, not squeaking as he usually does. Cookie was born in our home, so I am not about to let this one go. He is only about 3 months old.  I came across this weed in our garden: Ribwort Plantain and Googled it. It is known for healing upper respiratory symptoms in small animals and humans. It turns out Google can only work backwards. That means if you search for an answer, ...

Home Church

Yes, we home church. Because this is the church God has called us into, no matter what shape it comes in. We are a family and this is our ministry. We weren't always like this but this is where we are now. Even the church goes through different phases and this is where we are at. I hope we don't always have to be in this situation and that this is just a season, but it's been quite a few years now and I'm getting used to it.  Every now and then I still dream that we can rent a hall somewhere and do church like everyone else but that's just me. And when I think of it, it does seem just a bit religious and traditional and 'trying to fit the mold' because it doesn't mean that God will move any more powerfully in a hall than in my living room, if that makes sense. So I let it slide.

Miserable people

Those who achieve nothing in life complain the most about those who do. So if people are complaining about you, know that their names would be forgotten, but yours will be remembered. The most miserable people are those that make the only people who make them happy, miserable. Treat your family right.

2 year old sit through the sermon

The snacks and toys are tricky. I try to give snacks and toys and make them take forever to eat and play with.  For example, corn flakes or some other form of cereal. I won't give the whole thing. I will give one. Then when she is done, then another one. Sometimes I hide the next one in the palm of one of my hands and she has to guess which hand. I do this to prevent spilling and to keep her occupied. As for toys, same thing. Never all out at once. Always one character and when she is bored, then the next character comes out which is some 10 minutes later.. and only when she is done playing does the next one come up, so not every 10 mins. It depends on her ability to entertain herself. And I have like 10 characters or objects waiting. And that's after 20 mins of eating cereals so I rarely finish them. And those toys she doesn't see anywhere else other than during sermons so she's unfamiliar with them.

Overstepping MIL?

It's the fight-for-your-rights vs the fight-for-your-marriage issue again. Some things are not worth fighting for. She's going to be around here longer than you would like. And she is part of the family. If it is affecting your marriage, and you have clearly spoken to her about this, it is time you let it go. Nobody can affect you without you allowing them to. The issue here is not her -- it's you. No, not judging. What I mean to say is, difficult as it may seem, just close a blind eye to it. That's the best you can do for now. Just let it go. Don't take it to heart. Like I used to say about nagging spouses, it's the same with nagging in-laws.. in one ear, out the other ear, and out the window. Don't take anything personally and don't let it affect you. Let it go. Don't hold any resentment or allow the issue to boil in your heart. It's not worth meditating on. Meditate on what is good, true and lovely. Release her to the Lord to deal with. Imagin...


Check out Kickstarter. Some kids sell all sorts there. Kickstarter is currently becoming full of witchcraft and they're the ones earning the most. So. Go sell your stuff there. Also what's very important to note is demand and supply. If you go to one of those pop up market events, you'd realize that people love making crafts nobody wants to buy. It's a huge waste of effort and a great disappointment to the kids who did it. I am about to start teaching business to kids in the library. The first thing they need to know is what God wants them to do. How can the business they come up with make this world a better place? Don't come up with another McDonalds or Coke that destroys our health. But the marketplace is a ministry. And how is that going to be beneficial to society? We do need to make profit like how Isaac makes a hundredfold and like how the stewards made five talents and ten talents. But our intention is not a money making scheme as such but more of a role of ...

Not enough homeschool work getting done?

 As long as they can read, there is a ton they can do without you. Your job then is mostly to supervise. Anyone can supervise -- even your husband or an older sibling. Try rewards or a point system to get them to monitor themselves. What's great is a checklist my sister uses: so there is a list of work to get done and they can choose which to do first. Another thing to do is to ask them to come up with their own timetable or even their own checklist I have a new book for each workbook they finish. I do this with my bookworm who loves reading. The gifts are Usborne lift the flap or Usborne educational books of a similar type  There are also past year papers that I have my eldest daughter do just at the end of the year to ensure that she is on track and realized she is a few grades up. I work with her on certain topics until she can score it. But only spend a month at the end of the year for that. The rest of the year is pretty relaxed and she gets to focus on what she really is...

Anoint the house or the kids?

Cleansing the house is just a one time thing for us when we dedicate the house, we either pray and sprinkle the blood of Jesus using communion but as a prophetic thing and not as a ritual if that makes sense. Only do it if you feel led, not as a religious thing. Some people use olive oil and do it regularly with prayer. Worth considering. But as far as anointing goes, I think it's mainly anointing the kids especially while praying for them. Sometimes in church, during altar call, we anoint people who come up for prayer, or like the Bible says, anoint the sick (James 5:14-15). We do this with a touch of olive oil that we have prayed over. But anointing can also be used for commissioning like before your kids leave the house for good as a graduation thing and prayer over them, and commissioning them to go into the world, like how David was anointed as king at a young age way before he really did become king. Some people anoint their fences and property lines with olive oil and forces...

Last minute homemade celebrations

Get the kids to rehearse for a song plus dance. Add in one or two solo items on the piano or some other instrument, or just a solo song or duet here and there or maybe just play some music and perform the dance. 1 hour before, get everyone dressed in either real fancy outfits or costumes for a family photo and do up a really good backdrop for that amazing photoshoot. Worse come to worse, make it a green screen and good lighting About the cake, I advise buying 8 good chocolate mudcakes and spending 2 hours to decorate them. Because it will take about 4 hours for the icing to firm up on the cake before you place fondant on it or buttercream icing. Or any other icing. So no time to bake because it will be hot and you need to wait an hour for it to cool down before you can place the base layer of icing. Here is a home-bake hack: use a small cake mold or circular tool to cut out a small cake in the middle of the large cake so you get two cakes, if that makes sense. Put something inside the ...