It's the fight-for-your-rights vs the fight-for-your-marriage issue again. Some things are not worth fighting for. She's going to be around here longer than you would like. And she is part of the family. If it is affecting your marriage, and you have clearly spoken to her about this, it is time you let it go.
Nobody can affect you without you allowing them to. The issue here is not her -- it's you. No, not judging. What I mean to say is, difficult as it may seem, just close a blind eye to it. That's the best you can do for now. Just let it go. Don't take it to heart. Like I used to say about nagging spouses, it's the same with nagging in-laws.. in one ear, out the other ear, and out the window. Don't take anything personally and don't let it affect you. Let it go. Don't hold any resentment or allow the issue to boil in your heart. It's not worth meditating on. Meditate on what is good, true and lovely. Release her to the Lord to deal with. Imagine if she was your mom. Have some respect and honor for bringing your husband into this world -- it's what we hope our future daughters-in-law would appreciate us for at least. And just push it aside.
Don't make a big issue out of it. Or it will be a seriously big issue. Let it go, even if it happens a million times, let it go a million times. Patience, patience, patience. Chill.
Don't mention it. Don't say a word. It never happened.
You can choose to fight back or let it go. If you fight back, you will cause more damage in your relationship with your husband. Is that a sacrifice you are willing to make? Fight for your marriage. This is nothing. Let it go.