Cleansing the house is just a one time thing for us when we dedicate the house, we either pray and sprinkle the blood of Jesus using communion but as a prophetic thing and not as a ritual if that makes sense. Only do it if you feel led, not as a religious thing. Some people use olive oil and do it regularly with prayer. Worth considering.
But as far as anointing goes, I think it's mainly anointing the kids especially while praying for them. Sometimes in church, during altar call, we anoint people who come up for prayer, or like the Bible says, anoint the sick (James 5:14-15). We do this with a touch of olive oil that we have prayed over. But anointing can also be used for commissioning like before your kids leave the house for good as a graduation thing and prayer over them, and commissioning them to go into the world, like how David was anointed as king at a young age way before he really did become king.
Some people anoint their fences and property lines with olive oil and forces of evil just couldn't enter it -- they said that when they do that, some weird people said they disliked their 'vibes' and for good reason. I love this. It is really a spiritual thing. The devil doesn't like it when we do that. I believe what they say is true. There are things in the spiritual realm that we can't see.
During Passover, God told Moses to mark the doorposts with the blood of the Lamb. So God is really the one that came up with symbolic representations. And He uses that in many areas in the Bible. Just because something is new doesn't mean it is New Age. God is as alive today as He was in Moses time and can speak to us to do anything He wants, even if it is new.