As long as they can read, there is a ton they can do without you. Your job then is mostly to supervise. Anyone can supervise -- even your husband or an older sibling.
Try rewards or a point system to get them to monitor themselves. What's great is a checklist my sister uses: so there is a list of work to get done and they can choose which to do first.
Another thing to do is to ask them to come up with their own timetable or even their own checklist
I have a new book for each workbook they finish. I do this with my bookworm who loves reading. The gifts are Usborne lift the flap or Usborne educational books of a similar type
There are also past year papers that I have my eldest daughter do just at the end of the year to ensure that she is on track and realized she is a few grades up. I work with her on certain topics until she can score it. But only spend a month at the end of the year for that. The rest of the year is pretty relaxed and she gets to focus on what she really is passionate about like coding or chemistry.