Tell them about how Easter started — the goddess Eostre, the goddess of spring and fertility, and how it represents Easter eggs and bunnies and why we don’t celebrate it.
And that we celebrate Passover with lambs because Jesus is the Lamb of God and celebrated the Passover. And how Passover was taken away because the Jews were blamed for killing Jesus so everything Jewish was removed by Constantine - including all the other important feasts we were supposed to celebrate. Although the Apostle Paul himself celebrated the Passover (1 Cor 5:6-8), and said Christ is our Passover, asking us to “Keep the Feast of the Passover”. The rest of the early church kept the Passover.
So we celebrate the Passover with Jesus as the Lamb, and the afikoman that was hidden signifies Jesus body that was broken because it was the afikoman that Jesus took and said, “this is my body that was broken..”. It was ‘after the feast’ that he ‘took the bread’. That bread is called the afikoman — the last bread after the feast which children are supposed to hunt for traditionally. (My kids had their first afikoman hunt this year.)
What other tradition can we hold during Passover being Christians? To ‘Christianize’ it, we (as in my family) also celebrate Resurrection Sunday being the most important day of the year (more important than Christmas), and eat fish (this is something I came up with) because Jesus ate fish when He rose from the dead — he asked his disciples for fish to eat to prove that he was real, and when he had breakfast by the sea in John 21, he cooked fish even before they brought theirs. This brings us back to those days when He appeared to them again, and it makes this special time feel like we are really there. We also serve bread (my idea again), because when Jesus rose from the dead, he met the two disciples on the road to Emmaus and broke bread with them, causing their eyes to be opened. So when we eat the bread, it signifies that we have a realization of who Jesus is after He has risen. So the bread and fish reminds us that Jesus has risen and is very much alive. And anyway, bread and fish also happens to reminds us of the numerous times Jesus multiplied bread and fish, signifying He will always provide for us.
And just to top it up, Passover this year for us was special. After having our first Seder, and fish and bread, God blessed us with free groceries — a ton of it, and in the shape of a heart. Truly, He provides for us. This Passover, (tomorrow, 20th April 2022) is also our settlement date for a new house 🏡 that we miraculously got a loan for. More evidence He provides for His people during Passover.
Blessed Passover and Resurrection Week!
“Christmas is a time we give each other presents. Passover is a time we give to Him our Isaac sacrifices, and a time when He gives to us His.”