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Woman Leadership

I am convinced of God’s call upon my life. And am prepared to do anything He asks me to do, whether I receive approval from anyone or not. 

It’s so important to read the Bible in context and to know the history of Corinth and how the women in their temples were prostitutes calling the men to have sex with them as part of their religious ceremony; and how they thought the church would be the same. That’s why the women there were asked to keep quiet.

I am a woman pastor. I am ordained and I am a woman. God calls whom He wills.

When God first created the world, He made man and woman equal. When Eve fell, Adam was standing right beside her (Gen 3:6). He did not speak up but watched, listened, received and ate.

Nevertheless, Christ, as the new Adam, came as the Son of God and Son of Man, to restore what was lost when man fell. Thus, God’s original plan for mankind where male and female are equal, has been restored, and the curse, broken. Women and men are equal again.

Jesus submitted Himself to a woman, marking the beginning of His ministry and first miracle — His mother, in John 2:4,

Jesus said to her, “Woman,  what does your concern have to do with Me?  My hour has not yet come.”

I’ve wondered too many times, why He couldn’t have just called her ‘mother’. Even if it was normal for Him to do that in the Jewish culture, I always know Him to be intentional when it comes to His choice of words. And now I know why.

Because even after disagreeing, He submitted, being already 30 years of age and the Head of His own ministry, with disciples under Him.

As for scripture, 1 Tim 3:2 refers to elders, not pastors. The great question is, what is a pastor? What is an apostle and what is a prophet? 

The term ‘pastor’ is only mentioned once in the Bible in Ephesians 4:11

“And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers,”

To be honest, ‘pastor’ in modern Christianity is just a general term used to classify all clergy who have been ordained, and lay-pastors who have been ordained. 

I do not actually think I have the ministry of a pastor per se, in referring to the five fold ministry. I think my ministry is to be a Marketplace Apostle like Apostle Paul and Lydia. Deborah is one of the greatest prophets in the Bible and I do believe that I could have the ministry of a prophet or evangelist as well. Esther was a Governmental Apostle. Everyone’s different. What’s your ministry?

Did you know that Junia was an apostle? Romans 16:7 NKJV

“Greet Andronicus and Junia, my countrymen and my fellow prisoners, who are of note among the apostles, who also were in Christ before me.”

I hope women be liberated to serve the Lord in whatever it is God has called them to do.

I would also go so far as to say that when God created the world, He created both man and women in Their image: Genesis 1:26-27 NKJV

“Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.”

The Trinity expressed in human form: man, woman, and later, sons. That’s why Jesus was referred to the Son of Man and Son of God. Women being ‘helper’ — Jesus also described the Holy Spirit being our ‘Helper’. Does that mean the Holy Spirit is our maid? Certainly not. The Holy Spirit guides us, teaches us all things, brings to our remembrance all things, and is with us. Jesus even says that blaspheme against the Son is forgivable but not blaspheme against the Holy Spirit. So we have God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit — the Helper.

The family unit is meant to express the Trinity of God — but when the role of the Holy Spirit has been disregarded over the years, along with the role of the woman, the church is crippled and helpless, and eventually, powerless. 

Women, rise up.


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