Q: I think my kids are having covid. Symptoms are showing.
A: The day before yesterday my daughter came down with a fever, flu and cough and I was in panic mode because I live with my parents who are high risk seniors. I got her to take tons of vitamin C. Our goal was 10,000mg a day to kill the virus but she only ended up with 2,000 by the end of the day (each chewable is 500mg and the bubbly tablet drink is 1000mg). But I got the other kids to take theirs as well. They did about 1,500mg and the other 1000mg. I myself did about 1500mg because my tablet is 1000mg but I accidentally took my kids chewable and swallowed it, so ended up with 1500mg instead of 2000mg. I try to spread them out with meals so absorption rate is higher.
She’s fine now and nobody else got sick. I don’t think the fever made it through the night. Lots of prayer too.