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Showing posts from April, 2022


 Q: Help, I’ve cheated on my husband twice but really want to make this work and am very remorseful. I’ve 5 kids. A: You’re at his mercy now…  You cheated on your husband rather than just cheating on your partner. That’s different. You broke a vow. Twice. He has every reason to abandon you. If he comes back, it’s mercy. Two families have been destroyed. I’ll get on my knees if I were you… it’s almost unforgivable. I actually feel sorry for you and hope he is kind… and I feel sorry for your kids. Their lives have just been screwed up. And cannot be fixed. Can’t turn back time.  I am sorry you have to bear such heavy consequences for such actions. I will be here if you need someone to talk to. We are not all perfect. We don’t always get what we deserve. I don’t deserve the life that I live either. So I’ll be a friend. You can pm me if you want. No judgements. If I were you, I’ll get on my knees and beg him, even if it means begging him in front of your kids that know about ...

Woman Leadership

I am convinced of God’s call upon my life. And am prepared to do anything He asks me to do, whether I receive approval from anyone or not.  It’s so important to read the Bible in context and to know the history of Corinth and how the women in their temples were prostitutes calling the men to have sex with them as part of their religious ceremony; and how they thought the church would be the same. That’s why the women there were asked to keep quiet. I am a woman pastor. I am ordained and I am a woman. God calls whom He wills. When God first created the world, He made man and woman equal. When Eve fell, Adam was standing right beside her (Gen 3:6). He did not speak up but watched, listened, received and ate. Nevertheless, Christ, as the new Adam, came as the Son of God and Son of Man, to restore what was lost when man fell. Thus, God’s original plan for mankind where male and female are equal, has been restored, and the curse, broken. Women and men are equal again. Jesus submitted Hi...


Tell them about how Easter started — the goddess Eostre, the goddess of spring and fertility, and how it represents Easter eggs and bunnies and why we don’t celebrate it.  And that we celebrate Passover with lambs because Jesus is the Lamb of God and celebrated the Passover. And how Passover was taken away because the Jews were blamed for killing Jesus so everything Jewish was removed by Constantine - including all the other important feasts we were supposed to celebrate. Although the Apostle Paul himself celebrated the Passover (1 Cor 5:6-8), and said Christ is our Passover, asking us to “Keep the Feast of the Passover”. The rest of the early church kept the Passover. So we celebrate the Passover with Jesus as the Lamb, and the afikoman that was hidden signifies Jesus body that was broken because it was the afikoman that Jesus took and said, “this is my body that was broken..”. It was ‘after the feast’ that he ‘took the bread’. That bread is called the afikoman — the last bread af...

No curriculum

 Q: I heard we Biblical homeschooling doesn’t need a curriculum. A: I don’t believe in a curriculum as much as a method of teaching. Every child is different. To write a curriculum that will suit every child would be to whip up a menu that will suit every child. It’s just not right. And not possible. The Bible is the textbook, yes. Everything else is just supplementary. Grab your materials and arrange according to Genesis to Revelations. Then look for appropriate content suitable for each of the other books of the Bible. There’s no one way to do it. It’s like cooking— Use what you have, buy what you don’t have.

Covid kids

 Q: I think my kids are having covid. Symptoms are showing. A: The day before yesterday my daughter came down with a fever, flu and cough and I was in panic mode because I live with my parents who are high risk seniors. I got her to take tons of vitamin C. Our goal was 10,000mg a day to kill the virus but she only ended up with 2,000 by the end of the day (each chewable is 500mg and the bubbly tablet drink is 1000mg). But I got the other kids to take theirs as well. They did about 1,500mg and the other 1000mg. I myself did about 1500mg because my tablet is 1000mg but I accidentally took my kids chewable and swallowed it, so ended up with 1500mg instead of 2000mg. I try to spread them out with meals so absorption rate is higher.  She’s fine now and nobody else got sick. I don’t think the fever made it through the night. Lots of prayer too.

Lockdown fun

 Q: Things to do stuck at home that we’ve never done before? A: Depends on what you want to achieve. We’ve been in lockdown since 5 August last year and only started going out end of March this year. So we’ve celebrated quite a few birthdays at home.  Plenty of stuff to do. Our lockdown Birthday tradition includes a bubble ball bath if there’s such a term — bubble bath with pit balls.  If it’s summer where you are, there’s plenty of outdoor fun. There’s the blow up pool, with super cool floaters with sprinkles or you can make your own water sprinklers. So much fun. Go all out. Lately, we’ve been feeding the cockatoos and colorful birds at 6pm in the evenings. They also feed early in the mornings but the kids can’t get up on time. I have learned what different species of birds love eating — the colorful birds love fruits while the cockatoos love bread. The magpies eat about anything but they’re too afraid of the cockatoos to come near. I know it’s feeding time when I hear ...

Potty Training

 Q: How to potty train without being half naked the whole day? A: If she wants to potty train, a close watch and well timed schedule is all that’s needed. None of my kids did the naked thing.

Hates Writing

 Q: My kid thinks writing is boring but is ahead in everything else. A: Try typing first? Writing can come later. I suggest not to force.  Give him handwritten cards for his birthday by different kids. Have a birthday party and have different cards ready when they walk in, with different colored pens for guests to write anything they want. If his birthday is too far away, give him special handwritten notes or stick it notes everyday telling him how amazing he is or saying something really funny. There’s also the LetterSchool app that my kids enjoy. It’s pretty cool.

Teaching colors

 Q: How to teach colors to toddlers? A: Sing the rainbow 🌈 song.  If using objects; as long as all the objects are the same and only the colors are different, or Vice versa it would more make sense.  Try using paint. Primary colors first, then mixing. My 2 year old loves painting. She knows all the rainbow colors including indigo because of the song but she learns through YouTube. Different rainbow songs and different types of videos - Pinkfong colors with the slide, someone playing toys with different numbers and colors, Mother Goose House Rainbow Song, super simple color song, Cocomelon mixing color song and Blippi. But if you don’t do videos, I taught my first kid colors by giving her different colored toys in bath everyday. So if today’s color is blue, all her bath toys will be blue, and of course, I’ll tell her it’s blue. You can do the same with clothes and food. Everything on the plate is red for lunch today, for example.  My girls love rainbows. They want ra...

Hospital Alone

 A: I have been in the hospital alone after a Caesarian and probably not be able to have anymore kids. I need some love from fellow moms. Q: This reminds me of when I had a miscarriage last year and was all alone in the hospital because my hubby was not allowed to be with me. It was a shared room. And it was the worst possible thing to go through alone. But just before the miscarriage, I was reading ‘Good Morning, Holy Spirit’ by Benny Hinn. And he described how his mother was in the hospital about to give birth to him, and she asked God for a boy and in her dream, Jesus asked her if she could give Him one of the roses she was holding, and she did. Then, she had a boy indeed — Benny Hinn, whom she gave to the Lord in her dream. And I drew a picture of that with a pencil, so kids will have a children version of ‘Good Morning, Holy Spirit’ because it impacted me so much.  I had already spent weeks watching Jesus Image and Bethel (never watched them before this but YouTube kept b...

Controlling Devices

Q: How do you control your kids’ internet access? A: You can take devices away every morning.  BUT that being said, kids have to follow the rules or face consequences. They have to learn to make the right decisions and why. They need to be convinced and influenced to do the right thing. There will come a day when we can’t control anything anymore and the last thing we want them to think is that they can now make all the wrong decisions and we can’t do anything about it.