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Showing posts from 2009


All quotes below are by me and God unless stated otherwise.. enjoy.. =) New songs for a new season Don't stinge on love - there will always be plenty to go around When girls get married, they don't get what they're asking for. When guys get married, they don't know what they're asking for. Why don't I just give You my whole life? If you don't appreciate your marriage, you don't appreciate your family. If you don't value your husband, you don't value your children. If you don't love your husband, you don't love your children because your children are a product of your and your husband. And if you don't love your children, you don't love God because your children are a gift from God. Can I be the one? - God "You don't stand up to give something - you have something to give" by Pastor Nicholas Sim So much passion, so little expression. So much love, so little opportunity. Cultures doesn't have to be tradition and r...

An alternative for cell group

Jo says: *gosh today I attended a cell *sooooo boring ::. † .:: Dancingintherain :... says: *lol i stopped going for cells *long time ago *cells are boring Jo says: *yea.....I mean the topic of discussion *new beginning ::. † .:: Dancingintherain :... says: *alpha course? Jo says: *conversion ::. † .:: Dancingintherain :... says: *=.= Jo says: *so basic ::. † .:: Dancingintherain :... says: *swtness *why do you even go Jo says: *Sigh *u kno these mega churches *must slot u in cells *after u come for like 3 services ::. † .:: Dancingintherain :... says: *lol *i know rite Jo says: *so business ::. † .:: Dancingintherain :... says: *my church wants to follow the mega churches *put everyone into cells too *i think my church is bound for destruction *sometimes i want out Jo says: *cells are fine  *but I don like being recruited ::. † .:: Dancingintherain :... says: *cells are done the wrong way *last time, my mom's strategy of cell was better *cell was divided into di...

Forgive me

Psalms 32:5 1 Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, Whose sin is covered. 2 Blessed is the man to whom the LORD does not impute iniquity, And in whose spirit there is no deceit. 3 When I kept silent, my bones grew old Through my groaning all the day long. 4 For day and night Your hand was heavy upon me; My vitality was turned into the drought of summer. Selah 5 I acknowledged my sin to You, And my iniquity I have not hidden. I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the LORD,” And You forgave the iniquity of my sin. Selah Dictionary Meaning: to acknowledge or avow (a fault, crime, misdeed, weakness, etc.) by way of revelation because he wanted to be free I want to be free. And this is something that I may not want to realize, but it is true. I want to be free from this oppression and guilt. And the only way is to release it to You. his mother forgave him You said that if I confess my sin...


ea Nehemiah 11:2 2 And the people blessed all the men who willingly offered themselves to dwell at Jerusalem. Psalms 110:3 3 Your people shall be volunteers In the day of Your power; In the beauties of holiness, from the womb of the morning, You have the dew of Your youth. Dictionary Meaning: to offer oneself as a volunteer because they had the big picture I guess it can only happen when I see the big picture, not through my own eyes - the eyes of a mere person, but Your eyes. You are not bias, not one-sided. You see the benefit of everyone and You make sure that the best decision is made, with the least risk and the most returns. And only when I see from Your eyes, and not from a selfish point of view, can I liberally give my life up 100% to do Your will. because they wanted to do their part Sometimes, I feel like I have a part to play - just because I am part of this family, and being part of this family, everyone has to do their part - i...

Random from devotion 12 Aug 09

Sometimes, I think that being thankful is to be thankful for the things that You have already given me, but being thankful means to be thankful also for the things that You have not yet given me, but promised to give me, and I am very thankful indeed for those things. Sometimes, I don’t receive it yet because the time is not yet. Timing is something that You stick to, and sometimes, You have already sent the letter but it takes time to arrive. I just have to wait around for it, look out for it. That’s all! It is already on the way =) When they are God-given expectations, they will come to pass. Others should not be my benchmark for me to believe that You can do something. Because You are full of surprises. Others are a poor benchmark because people in general have no or little faith to believe in the impossible. But if I want to see impossible things, that is the usual response I will get from normal people. Because if that is not the response I g...

Tips on Nightmares and other kid fears

I've just read an article with loads of tips.. wow.. I'm so glad I bumped into it! It is really so helpful... Here it is.. and here is a short clip from it: Helping children cope with nighttime fears: A checklist • Always question parenting advice that encourages parents to leave distressed children alone at night. As noted above, kids lack the coping tools to work things out by themselves. And even advocates of “cry-it-out” strategies of sleep training warn that such approaches are inappropriate for young babies and children who are especially fearful or anxious (France and Blampied 1999; Owens et al 1999). • Consider sources of daily stress. Kids who suffer from daytime anxieties—about school, separation from parents, or other concerns—are more likely to fear the dark and fear sleeping alone (Gregory and Eley 2005). You may be able to reduce your child’s nighttime fears by helping him cope with daytime stress. • Review your child’s sleep requirements and sleep schedule. So...

Plastic Children

I stumbled upon a wonderful journal about .. oh well.. just read it. Here's a little chip of it : Luther Burbank says: "Pick out any trait you want in your child, granted that he is a normal child, be it honesty, fairness, purity, lovableness, industry, thrift, what not. By surrounding this child with sunshine from the sky and your own heart, by giving the closest communion with nature, by feeding this child well-balanced, nutritious food, by giving it all that is implied in healthful environmental influences, and by doing all in love, you can thus cultivate in the child and fix there for all its life all of these traits, and on the other side, give him foul air to breathe, keep him in a dusty factory or an unwholesome school-room or a crowded tenement up under the hot roof; keep him away from the sunshine, take away from him music and laughter and happy faces; cram his little brains with so-called knowledge; let him have vicious associates in his hours out of school, and at...