All quotes below are by me and God unless stated otherwise.. enjoy.. =)
New songs for a new season
When girls get married, they don't get what they're asking for. When guys get married, they don't know what they're asking for.
If you don't appreciate your marriage, you don't appreciate your family. If you don't value your husband, you don't value your children. If you don't love your husband, you don't love your children because your children are a product of your and your husband. And if you don't love your children, you don't love God because your children are a gift from God.
"You don't stand up to give something - you have something to give" by Pastor Nicholas Sim
Cultures doesn't have to be tradition and rituals doesn't have to be routine.
A matter of the heart.
A sanctuary is more than just a building - it is the state of the heart.
What's the use of knowledge without understanding, experience without maturity, words of wisdom without the substance of integrity, strong will without depth in character, godly values without godly fear, practicality without faith, and love that is conditional? You may receive honor for being older, but respect has to be earned.
I think God is really with me.
My life is filled with pictures and dreams.
Learning starts from the heart.
When I dance, time flies.
Not pure because I'm undefiled, but pure because I've been defiled and washed with the blood of Jesus.
The past are the seconds that are lost forever.
Others will talk. Of course. They think it is impossible.
Luxury is necessity.
Sometimes, I think.. Am I that hard to love? Then again, when I think about the way He died on the cross for me, how could I say that nobody ever loved me?
You never know if that is what God is saying until you act upon it. - Rev. Steve Chang
If I think that I am killing time, I am only wasting it.
Rip my mind away, rip my heart away, and just let my spirit be.
The system is the box designed by those who think outside the box for those who want to live in the box - Elijah Low
Malaysia needs a miracle.
The fruit of the righteous is the tree of life - Pastor Lily Low
Reality doesn't exist.
Asking without faith is equivalent to not asking.
I am whomever I want to be - nobody can stop me
Trying to give him what he wants in a way that no other girl can = insecurity
Teaching - Not giving up before they do, and not giving up after
Guilt causes sin
Sometimes, the biggest threat to the organization are the leaders themselves
Even in the dark, you can see how dirty my car is..
We only grow up once, so grow up well.
Big needs give birth to big dreams. Without need, there are no dreams.
Please crush my heart into a million pieces - because at least then, it wouldn't hurt so much.
New songs for a new season
Don't stinge on love - there will always be plenty to go around
When girls get married, they don't get what they're asking for. When guys get married, they don't know what they're asking for.
Why don't I just give You my whole life?
If you don't appreciate your marriage, you don't appreciate your family. If you don't value your husband, you don't value your children. If you don't love your husband, you don't love your children because your children are a product of your and your husband. And if you don't love your children, you don't love God because your children are a gift from God.
Can I be the one? - God
"You don't stand up to give something - you have something to give" by Pastor Nicholas Sim
So much passion, so little expression. So much love, so little opportunity.
Cultures doesn't have to be tradition and rituals doesn't have to be routine.
Not just a life worth living but a life worth dying for.
A matter of the heart.
Not because you deserve it, but because you don't.
A sanctuary is more than just a building - it is the state of the heart.
A much younger person scolded me. The awkward part was - he was right.
What's the use of knowledge without understanding, experience without maturity, words of wisdom without the substance of integrity, strong will without depth in character, godly values without godly fear, practicality without faith, and love that is conditional? You may receive honor for being older, but respect has to be earned.
I don't want to just survive - I want to achieve something with my life.
I think God is really with me.
Learning to respect people for who they are and not for what they have done.
My life is filled with pictures and dreams.
Language should be a facilitator, not a hindrance to the learning process.
Learning starts from the heart.
I don't have time to give and I don't have money to invest, but I have something that's more valuable than money and time put together - I have a vision.
When I dance, time flies.
We are all like doors. We decide what we allow to affect our lives and we decide what we do to affect others. We determine what goes in and what comes out.
Not pure because I'm undefiled, but pure because I've been defiled and washed with the blood of Jesus.
You know what's in my heart, but now I need to know what's in Yours.
The past are the seconds that are lost forever.
The future is a place I am living in but not at yet.You may narrow my landscape, but never my vision.
Some challenges cannot be outgrown - they have to be overcome.
Others will talk. Of course. They think it is impossible.
The future has arrived. Live in the now.
Luxury is necessity.
Doing whatever I want doesn't mean that I will be rewarded with whatever I wish. In fact, doing whatever I want only results in what I don't wish.
Sometimes, I think.. Am I that hard to love? Then again, when I think about the way He died on the cross for me, how could I say that nobody ever loved me?
I'm sorry, dear.. You will never be able to satisfy me. Because I've already found my Hero.
You never know if that is what God is saying until you act upon it. - Rev. Steve Chang
We try to do things differently.
If I think that I am killing time, I am only wasting it.
Sometimes, we are too concerned and overwhelmed with the wedding that we totally ignore the Groom.
Rip my mind away, rip my heart away, and just let my spirit be.
Love people, use money. Not love money, use people. - Pastor Dexter Low
The system is the box designed by those who think outside the box for those who want to live in the box - Elijah Low
There is nothing proud about being humble.
Malaysia needs a miracle.
If someone you really respect believes in you, you will believe it - Pastor Dexter Low
The fruit of the righteous is the tree of life - Pastor Lily Low
You can't loose something you never had.
Reality doesn't exist.
Children - feels so insignificant and yet, so important.
Asking without faith is equivalent to not asking.
Naughty boys - we grow to love 'em
I am whomever I want to be - nobody can stop me
I am sorry that no matter how much I love you, I still hurt you over and over again...
Trying to give him what he wants in a way that no other girl can = insecurity
I have the perfect love Story and I don't need anyone to rewrite it, thank you
Teaching - Not giving up before they do, and not giving up after
Forgiveness - the very essence of ChristianityHe didn't need to but He did
Guilt causes sin
Wash me in Your blood
Sometimes, the biggest threat to the organization are the leaders themselves
Sometimes, it is not about the cause - it is about the consequence
Even in the dark, you can see how dirty my car is..
God in place in every place
We only grow up once, so grow up well.
Because I love youTo give love is easy but to receive it is hard
Big needs give birth to big dreams. Without need, there are no dreams.
Condemning yourself is a sin
Please crush my heart into a million pieces - because at least then, it wouldn't hurt so much.
It's not about what you do - it's about who you areWhen the main pillar that you think is holding you up turns to tear you apart. And you feel like there is nothing to back you. That feeling of helplessness weighs you down. And sorrow, like termites eat you up from the inside. No one hears the silent cries that echo through your sanity. Bitter loving memories collapse around you - blasting off your very essence. Fiery tears fuming with passion burn your expressionless face. When you look around, all you see are invisible doors slamming into your face continuously. Friends, are now turned enemies overnight. And then - you will remember God.
Wishes she could grasp the full understanding of Your loveLRC, if it was not for the Tuesday Night group, you would have lost your cutting edge. Your cutting edge is not in the resources or people. It is not even in the sound system. It is in prayer, worship and intercession.
Every girl has a right to fantasies. But when you have expectations and disappointments, don't blame it on him - blame it on your fantasiesIt's all in the details
All my prophecies until today will be fulfilled in this time and this season.