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An alternative for cell group

Jo says:
*gosh today I attended a cell
*sooooo boring
::. † .:: Dancingintherain :... says:
*lol i stopped going for cells
*long time ago
*cells are boring
Jo says:
*yea.....I mean the topic of discussion
*new beginning
::. † .:: Dancingintherain :... says:
*alpha course?
Jo says:
::. † .:: Dancingintherain :... says:
Jo says:
*so basic
::. † .:: Dancingintherain :... says:
*why do you even go
Jo says:
*u kno these mega churches
*must slot u in cells
*after u come for like 3 services
::. † .:: Dancingintherain :... says:
*i know rite
Jo says:
*so business
::. † .:: Dancingintherain :... says:
*my church wants to follow the mega churches
*put everyone into cells too
*i think my church is bound for destruction
*sometimes i want out
Jo says:
*cells are fine 
*but I don like being recruited
::. † .:: Dancingintherain :... says:
*cells are done the wrong way
*last time, my mom's strategy of cell was better
*cell was divided into different levels
*the lowest level was the Care Group level - for non believers
*then the Care Cell for new Christians who just accepted Christ and wanted to grow
* then there is a Discipling Cell for mature Christians
*like you and me
*i loved my discipling cell last time
*we got to learn all the cool stuff
Jo says:
*yea the thing is.....
::. † .:: Dancingintherain :... says:
*like apostolic, prophetic, intercession... etc
Jo says:
*the cell I just went
::. † .:: Dancingintherain :... says:
*then the last level are for the full time workers
Jo says:
*some of the people were christians for umpteen years
::. † .:: Dancingintherain :... says:
Jo says:
*still going thru the basics
::. † .:: Dancingintherain :... says:
*but now all cells are only one level 
*thats why i think its done wrong
*cells should not be divided into congregational units
Jo says:
*they just following this book
::. † .:: Dancingintherain :... says:
*nor should it be divided into geographical locations
*or Gender (do you know that they have that now)
*but cell should be divided by spiritual maturity
Jo says:
*my home church
::. † .:: Dancingintherain :... says:
*because different spiritual age means different spiritual food
*common sense, actually
Jo says:
*they discuss the sermon
::. † .:: Dancingintherain :... says:
*its always the 4 Ws
Jo says:
*so its ok for different maturity
::. † .:: Dancingintherain :... says:
*Welcome, Worship, Word, Witness.
Jo says:
*but I love my youth group
*all we do is eat and play games
*and party
*of course there are lessons
::. † .:: Dancingintherain :... says:
*hopeless rite
*now i just dont go for cell
*cell is boring
Jo says:
*I was worried wat happens after I attend it once
*can I just quit like that?
*That won't be nice 
::. † .:: Dancingintherain :... says:
Jo says:
*I hope they don start hounding me
::. † .:: Dancingintherain :... Loved so great it costs a life ::. not giving up before they do and not giving up after says:
*why do you attend? to please people?
Jo says:
*they have my contact and all
*nope....I thot it would be good too
::. † .:: Dancingintherain :... says:
*in the end, there is no use: if you dont attend, its not good.. if you attend for people, its not good either
*may as well not attend
Jo says:
*plus if not I waste time at home anyways
::. † .:: Dancingintherain :... says:
*at least youre happier that way
*at least i dont have to 'sin ' more
*because when i go there, i just end up sinning by grunting under my breath 
Jo says:
*maybe....maybe it could have been a real nice cell
*but I was wrong
*nah...I wouldnt attend just for the people
::. † .:: Dancingintherain :... says:
*i want a real cell
*i want a cell where i can go and worship God truly 
*where i can hear a message I've never heard before
*where i dont have to play silly games that embarrass people
Jo says:
::. † .:: Dancingintherain :... says:
*but instead learn more about each other and appreciate my fellow brothers and sisters
*where bonding actually takes place
Jo says:
*today!.....we had to guess the name of the piece of paper stuck on ur back
::. † .:: Dancingintherain :... says:
*oh well
*there are other ways to bond
*and i want real bonding
Jo says:
*I used elimination and got it without asking questions
::. † .:: Dancingintherain :... says:
*not those ice breakers stuff
*lol technique
Jo says:
*I just asked if it was a man or women
::. † .:: Dancingintherain :... says:
*like.. lets go on missions together or something
*or go start a church
*thats bonding
Jo says:
*and I looked for all the other women names on other ppls back
::. † .:: Dancingintherain :... says:
*or like go climb a tree
*or climb the roof
*oh well
Jo says:
*climb a tree?....missions? not quite related
::. † .:: Dancingintherain :... says:
*and real bonding takes place outside the cell time
*real bonding takes place in the emails, the phonecalls, the smses and msns, the facebooks and all that
*doing random things like i just mentioned - that totally does not make sense but somehow, can bond
*real bonding takes place in the supermarket and in the shopping malls
*in McDs
Jo says:
::. † .:: Dancingintherain :... says:
*real bonding takes place when real people come together, not to do some fake stuff
*to me thats all a show
*a performance
*even the worship is a performance
*i cant stand it
Jo says:
*I kno right
::. † .:: Dancingintherain :... says:
*everyone sits down with this piece of paper
*sit down!!
*can you believe that?
*it just pisses me off
Jo says:
*I just feel that these working ppl need to play church
::. † .:: Dancingintherain :... says:
*now you know what i mean by 'sinning' when i go for cell?
Jo says:
*it does help them
::. † .:: Dancingintherain :... says:
*i just think of all the things that make me upset
Jo says:
*they do take time out to act serious about God
::. † .:: Dancingintherain :... says:
*you really think playing church is helping?
Jo says:
*but its better than nothing
::. † .:: Dancingintherain :... says:
*what they need is a real church
*role playing mommy and daddy will never be able to replace the real parents they are looking for
*role playing church will never have that kind of anointing and presence of God you can find in the church
*who are they trying to kid
*it will only satisfy them until the end of the 2 hours
Jo says:
*it takes some commitment to know the importance of spiritual things
*even if its forced
::. † .:: Dancingintherain :... says:
*what these working people need is to learn to pray at home and read bible and do devotion
*not once a week paying respects
Jo says:
*but yea....Im not going there next week
::. † .:: Dancingintherain :... says:
*if thats what they want, go buy a red alter and put it at their front gate
*ok.... I'm really sinning now
*see what i mean


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