Trinity - God the Holy Spirit
Elementary School
Introduction :
Art and Craft : Draw a ship/boat on water.
Draw lines symbolizing the wind blowing the boat.
Question :
1. The wind
What is the wind like? Can you see it? Can you feel it? What can it do?
Answers : It is invisible, but I can feel it. It can move things from one place to another, etc.
2. The Holy Spirit
What is the Holy Spirit like? Can you see Him? Can you feel Him? What can He do?
Wrong answer : The Holy Spirit is the wind.
Correct answer:
The Holy Spirit is just like the wind in many ways. We might not be able to see Him but we can feel Him. It can guide us from one place to another, etc.
3. Give an example of the Holy Spirit working in a situation in your life.
Example : I was complaining to myself about my teacher in school when suddenly the Holy Spirit convicted me that it was wrong.
Who is the Holy Spirit?
Gen 1:2
Matt 3:16
John 4:24
Psalms 143:10
1 Cor 3:16
Eph 1:13
John 14:15-18, 25-27
John 15:26
John 16:7-15
Elementary School
Introduction :
Art and Craft : Draw a ship/boat on water.
Draw lines symbolizing the wind blowing the boat.
Question :
1. The wind
What is the wind like? Can you see it? Can you feel it? What can it do?
Answers : It is invisible, but I can feel it. It can move things from one place to another, etc.
2. The Holy Spirit
What is the Holy Spirit like? Can you see Him? Can you feel Him? What can He do?
Wrong answer : The Holy Spirit is the wind.
Correct answer:
The Holy Spirit is just like the wind in many ways. We might not be able to see Him but we can feel Him. It can guide us from one place to another, etc.
3. Give an example of the Holy Spirit working in a situation in your life.
Example : I was complaining to myself about my teacher in school when suddenly the Holy Spirit convicted me that it was wrong.
Who is the Holy Spirit?
Gen 1:2
Matt 3:16
John 4:24
Psalms 143:10
1 Cor 3:16
Eph 1:13
John 14:15-18, 25-27
John 15:26
John 16:7-15