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Showing posts from April, 2024

Dressing Standards

To put it into perspective -- I wouldn't wear a tee to church. I would dress modestly, and appropriately because I want to honor God through the way I dress and wearing a tee to church just isn't my best worship when it comes to dressing. When I dress well, I honor the person whose house I've been invited to. I honor the occasion I am attending -- whether it is a private gathering or public. I give them respect and by so doing, my family and husband whom I represent are in turn respected for respecting.  At home, I dress up for my husband. This means I am not in my tees either. I dress to make him happy -- doesn't mean it has to be revealing as the postman might knock on the door with a parcel I have to sign for -- or the neighbour might say hi. But I dress well enough that he can see I'm putting effort in to look nice for him -- even at home.

A Higher Standard than Christians

Stick to your gut feeling -- it's more than just clothes and boys. It is about standing up for what you believe in, even when Christians -- yes, Christians -- her age are doing the same unapproved thing. It's not judging them -- it's having a higher standard. It is about being called of God to be holy. God has a different expectation on each person based on their different calling. Not everyone is called to be a Nazarite. Samson's parents had him do lots of things normal people don't do. John the Baptist was considered weird. We don't expect them to come close to what we aim for and don't try to influence them. But this is what we expect of ourselves and this is what we strife for. As for my believes about 15 year olds dating, it's a big NO. Dancing at a dance class or wedding, yes. They can have a boyfriend if they have graduated and started working with a proper job or business, not a part time job or casual on the side. And if they have prayed about i...


Pray for them everyday, and if it helps, dress up when they are around - so as to get as much respect as possible. It helps damper the abuse. Dress up as a cultured, educated, intelligent and independent young woman and talk to them gently. Dressing up also creates a boundary between you and them. Also dress your kids up so they look smart, not orphaned or neglected in any way.

Our paths on earth

No we don't choose what path we are on when it comes to our family background growing up but we do choose our future. I believe God has an ultimate destiny for each person but if we choose to stray away, that's also our choice. But His plans for us are for good and not for evil, to give us a hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11 Also, our purpose in life is all about developing our relationship with God. This is why He created us. Without our ability to hear God, we cannot develop this relationship. So talk to Him and listen to Him all the time. He will tell you what path to take when you are facing a crossroad.

Can't cope with all the kids around?

Do what you love and bring your kids along. That helps. I love painting. I also love flag dancing. Create happy memories and don't exert too much pressure on yourself or compare yourself with anyone on insta. No expectations, no disappointments. Take one day at a time. People are constantly telling you what to do and what you're doing wrong. Just do your best and make sure your kids know you love them and God loves them. Don't take on more than you can handle. Plenty of activities out there -- just stay home if you have too -- there's already so much going on at home. Not every activity is meant for you. Time is of the essence. Need to make good choices, can't afford to waste your time or energy on that which is not the focus. Get rid of electronics 100% and they will have less fights, less murmur and less grumbles, less sulking and less entitled. They will play more with each other and be better friends and more helpful around the house. For once, they will be thei...

What's the difference

Knowing the difference: Generous Vs Wasteful Generous is when someone else benefits. Wasteful is when nobody benefits. Godly Vs Crazy Godly meaning being a fool for Christ. You'll need to be crazy to be godly. Persistence Vs Stubborn  Persistence is when you insist on doing the right thing. Stubborn is when you insist on doing the wrong thing. Thrifty Vs Stingy Thrifty is when you save from unnecessary spending. Stingy is when you save on necessary spending. Faithful Vs Foolish Faithful is when you stick to your commitments. Foolish is when you stray from them.