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Showing posts from March, 2024

Natural Remedies for Small Animals

I am utterly dumbfounded by how little knowledge is available on the Internet when it comes to saving my pet rabbit, guinea pigs or even chickens when they have health issues. With all the craze on organics and alternative medication there is today, why are we still feeding them processed food and why is the only solution always to bring them to the vet? Isn't there a natural pathway for animals as well? Why are we still prescribing antibiotics when we know that it can cause just as much harm to them especially without probiotics? My guinea pig has Upper Respiratory Infection (URI). I know that because he is wheezing, not squeaking as he usually does. Cookie was born in our home, so I am not about to let this one go. He is only about 3 months old.  I came across this weed in our garden: Ribwort Plantain and Googled it. It is known for healing upper respiratory symptoms in small animals and humans. It turns out Google can only work backwards. That means if you search for an answer, ...

Home Church

Yes, we home church. Because this is the church God has called us into, no matter what shape it comes in. We are a family and this is our ministry. We weren't always like this but this is where we are now. Even the church goes through different phases and this is where we are at. I hope we don't always have to be in this situation and that this is just a season, but it's been quite a few years now and I'm getting used to it.  Every now and then I still dream that we can rent a hall somewhere and do church like everyone else but that's just me. And when I think of it, it does seem just a bit religious and traditional and 'trying to fit the mold' because it doesn't mean that God will move any more powerfully in a hall than in my living room, if that makes sense. So I let it slide.