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Dream them into being

Brittany Parker, Children and Youth Ministry Coordinator, and Homeschooling mother of a large family, Blue Earth, Minnesota:

 I had a dream recently that really put a new perspective on my children’s struggles. 

I was reminded of how God addresses people in the Bible. He calls them what He sees they will become. 

He called Moses to do what Moses was not. 

He called Saul when he was as opposite a potential to be used by God as could possibly be. 

He told a shepherd boy he would be king. 

God is always proclaiming the impossible to the very person who it would seem impossible to. Yet He proclaims the victory that He sees forthcoming in their lives as though it weren’t up for debate. He knows who He called them to be and He believes they will step up to the calling. 

My son struggles with anger and honesty. When I woke from this dream a clear image of him was in my mind.

Terrified for his future if he should stay on his path I was constantly trying to improve him. Help him see his wrong and calling out his failures. 

That morning I began a very new and different tactic. So strange it made me uncomfortable and struggling to find the right words. 

I began to tell my son who He was as Christ saw him- covered by the blood and righteousness of Christ. 

It was hard trying to find moments to speak into his life while still being truthful. But I seized everyone I could. I also began to be silent on much of his shortcomings. 

This has been about 3 weeks now and not only am I seeing changes as he begins to desire to become the boy I describe him to be, but I begin to believe that he WILL become exactly who God meant him to be. 

I don’t know if this helps, but I thought I would share it with you. 💗


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