1 MONTH BEFORE: Those that shipped their furniture here regretted it — old furniture that have no value here, wanted to have a fresh start but having so many old items, in the end, they end up giving everything away that they shipped here to buy new stuff. One even shipped a piano here, and gave it away for free to buy a new one. Leave something behind for the people you love and you will miss. Especially family. Because when that time comes to say goodbye, you will want to give them the world. Take it as a fresh start - a home you can redo from scratch, a new beginning for your family, a new life. Appliances have different adapters, so keep that in mind too.. don’t bring electronics with Malaysian adapters Getting Rid of Stuff (In Malaysia): If there are stuff that nobody wants and you can’t get rid of, there is Salvation Army in Malaysia that will sometimes even come to your house to pick it up furniture for you. I did that before in Malacca. They took everything we needed to get rid...