I think sometimes, it is easy to give in to pressure and be apologetic for something you do not need to apologize for. When people categorize you as someone who is less dominant, even the non-dominant tend to be dominant just because you’re a rabbit. (I don’t have a better term for it.) You’re meek, humble and obliging? You please people? Don’t be apologetic for something God has commanded you to do — be fruitful and multiply. Go ahead and offend them if it has to do with the truth or God’s first instruction to humankind and to you.
In Bible times, women used to bribe (Rachel and Leah) in order to have more kids. Not having kids are a curse. Over the years, women who do not have kids or are single or those who did not want to offend them tried to cover their shame by shaming those who are blessed with lots of children, so the tides have changed, culture has changed and the blessed are the cursed.