If you are feeling like a sinner:
“Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand.”
You seem to be having this sense of unworthiness while reading the Bible.
What you are experiencing might just be true repentance. Repentance is more than an apology. An apology means to ask the Lord to forgive you, but repentance means living a truly transformed life. It means turning over a new leaf and being a new person. It is no longer you that lives but Christ that lives in you. Galatians 2:20
I strongly advise baptism by water if you have not yet been baptized.
You need to leave behind your old body so that you are dead in the flesh, then allow the spirit of God to fill your body, giving you new life. Romans 8:10
You will be a new person. You need to say goodbye to your old self. Ephesians 4:22. Some people will even change their names after baptism. If the devil accuses you again after this, remind yourself that that was a different person. You are a different person. That wasn’t you. That was someone else.
Some people are baptized twice because their first baptism was a catholic baptism, or they were too young to know what they were doing, etc. maybe find a church that will conduct a second water baptism for you. I know Jesus Image in Florida does. My church does as well.