Character building starts the moment you envision in your mind what you want to be - not who, what. Who God wants you to be.
Character takes years to build - about 10 years. But the first 50% is accomplished in the first second when you make your mind to build your character. The other 50% is every other time you come face to face with that decision and maintain your stand. At the end of that 10 years, your character has been shaped out of nothing but that Continual Decision that you have made over the years becoming a habit so unmovable that it is now accepted as your character.
Every now and then we fail. Every now and then we make that wrong decision. Every now and then, we fail to build that character that we desire to be. That wrong decision can cost us another 1 year of making the right decisions. Because it is so easily broken down and so hard to build - like trust.
Character takes years to build - about 10 years. But the first 50% is accomplished in the first second when you make your mind to build your character. The other 50% is every other time you come face to face with that decision and maintain your stand. At the end of that 10 years, your character has been shaped out of nothing but that Continual Decision that you have made over the years becoming a habit so unmovable that it is now accepted as your character.
Every now and then we fail. Every now and then we make that wrong decision. Every now and then, we fail to build that character that we desire to be. That wrong decision can cost us another 1 year of making the right decisions. Because it is so easily broken down and so hard to build - like trust.