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Showing posts from 2015

Words, meaningless; evidence, everything.

I am put on display for people to choose to follow as an example. Because they cannot see You, the Original Design, the Masterpiece, I must be the exact representation of You as a Christian, so that when people need to decide which religion to follow and which god to follow, they would choose You when they see me. I must be more like You. This is my gospel message: myself. I must love them like the way You love them and until and unless I love them, they will never know that You love them. Words are meaningless today. Evidence is everything. more people can have the same thing The more people I love, the more people can be copies of You and more people will have the same thing. And there would be plenty of ‘Jesus’s to go around. This is how the gospel is spread: by multiplying You. they would assume they were the same The last thing I want to do is to misrepresent You: to make people think that You are like me when I am nothing like You. The World would assume we were the...

Quotes on relationships, life and You

Sometimes being rational requires you to do the most insane things. I can work alone to do many things but not in building a relationship. Eating healthy food is a discipline, not a priority Both lips and life my E-Bank prints E-money Jokes are meant to be shared, laughter spread. it's totally doable Eliminate red tapes. There is a message on Everybody's face. Because people need water and fertilizer. They have to be pruned and nurtured to grow. God has an everlasting crush on me. You perform miracles just to make my day. Stop saying that God has great plans for your life. God has a great plan, yes. But it is up to you if you want to be part of it; or die without doing anything fulfilling or significant with your life. What is seen is not made by things which are visible. - John 1 Don't just survive. Thrive. You are not subjected to reality. deliberately sharing i am the whole package i don't have to be perfect. i just have to be the ...

Quotes from 'Armorbearer' - By Terry Nance

  You will never arrive at a place where you do not have to submit to anyone. (The spirit  of an armorbearer is the spirit  of Christ.  It is the heart of a servant.) You and I will never flow in the anointing of Elisha until we have learned to serve an Elijah. It is not difficult to claim that we are submitted to Jesus, but the question is: are we submitted to another human being? That is a different story.

More of my quotes

It is not just about getting rid of the poverty mindset - it is about deciding to be prosperous. There is a big difference between being willing to spend and being willing to earn. Spits and stones. Righteousness is a character, not a goal. righteousness begins at the heart It is not easy to be righteous but I have to be who I am is a worship to You Being inspired is a gift, yes. When you look at yourself in the mirror, are you impressed? Hi, I'm different. Who are you? neither of us could have made it without either of us What’s there to complain if I survive? the life that i chose simplicity brings greatness I do not have to be perfect to move in the Spirit, but if I move in the Spirit, I will be perfected. Teamwork - it is not about arriving earlier; it is about arriving together. I have great dreams but they are just dreams without You. im too serious i am not happy - I'm joyful.  i am not calm - I'm a...

Character building

Character building starts the moment you envision in your mind what you want to be - not who, what. Who God wants you to be. Character takes years to build - about 10 years. But the first 50% is accomplished in the first second when you make your mind to build your character. The other 50% is every other time you come face to face with that decision and maintain your stand. At the end of that 10 years, your character has been shaped out of nothing but that Continual Decision that you have made over the years becoming a habit so unmovable that it is now accepted as your character. Every now and then we fail. Every now and then we make that wrong decision. Every now and then, we fail to build that character that we desire to be. That wrong decision can cost us another 1 year of making the right decisions. Because it is so easily broken down and so hard to build - like trust.