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From God and myself unless stated otherwise:

When God speaks, He speaks to the heart

It takes a heart to touch another heart

If you're not going to wait for the answer, don't ask
What's the point of hearing if you don't listen

If you want to plant something for a season, plant flowers.
If you want to plant for years, plant trees.
But if you want to plant for eternity, plant love and the Gospel of the Word of God.
- Albert Chia

My favourite part of worship is the communion because I get to remember how Jesus died on the cross for me = )

If it is havoc in my heart, it is havoc outside.

When I am worshiping, time doesn't exist

A good education cannot be bought with money - it is all about your attitude.

Everything you do must be born out of worship
- Pastor Caleb Aaron Tan

Some accidents are not accidents - they were meant to be

If it doesn't cost, it is not worship
- Rev. Dr. Dexter Low

If you make God's name great, God will make your name great

As humans, we try so hard to reason but not everything was made for reasoning

Even if you have a thousand and one things to scoop up about someone, it does not give you the right to talk bad about them

Learn as much as you can, but most of all, learn to love

Not everything that man tells you is true, but I like what I see

I've only one testimony but it's worth more than a hundred if I've shared it a thousand times

But I learnt the most when I was a teacher
(I never learnt so much until I became a teacher)

Loving hard is serving hard

Holiness is love in utter purity. The Glory of God is the condensation of the power and greatness and goodness and love of God into a capsule and put into us. Grace is the liquid form of the Glory of God.
- Rev. Dr. Dexter Low

Don't forget what we are doing this for

How we treat the Love of God is how we treat Jesus
- Pastor Steve Chang

You are called for destinies larger than your desires
- Pastor Elijah Low

You're not just called to preach the gospel - you're called to preach to nations
Whatever you need, I AM.

What's the point of fire if you don't spread it?

Being a slave to someone you truly love will make you happier than any king

The memories are good enough to last me a lifetime

Every second that you give me touches my heart.
Every smile that you show me lasts forever in my memories..
If you go, the past will remain but what is the point if you are not present?

I gave my heart to Jesus and I'm never taking it back.
So if you really want it, you're going to have to ask Him.

I don't know where I'd be without You, but I'd definitely be nowhere near

Love me besides knowing me and love me despite knowing me

You will always be the Guy who won my heart

Love is infinite, yet so scarce.

I think about You and You think about me and together, we will make a difference.

I would like to give You my whole life - will You accept?

It feels so good to be with You

I have nothing to lose but everything and yet, I have everything to gain.

He saw me wearing guy clothes and smiled at me - it really doesn't matter, does it?

you are the most beautiful thing to Me

Keep my heart for me and don't ever give it back

You gave it all for me when I gave You nothing

I miss you for a reason

I love you more now than last time because I know you so much more

That just makes you love more

I love to hear Your voice
I'm just so happy to see you

Lovers make the best fighters
I love to see you smile

I don't deserve You

For fun:
The pest control is such a pest

The problem is not the road and the problem is not the car.
The problem is the drivers.
Trust me, if you were going on a terrible road with that useless car at 60 miles per hour, nothing tragic would have happened.

Thank You for being my shining light;
Without You, nothing will be alright.

'Abomination' - a bomb in a nation.

Want to be kiasu? Be kiasu about God.

Sometimes, I can't tell if I'm hungry or sleepy

Darvin and Mel are love birds. No, they're angry birds
- Anonymous

Anna Grace:
... is sleeping with someone.. Her teddy bear.
... enjoys gazing at the deserted house outside her window.
... is learning to express her love and show affection towards others openly.


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