From God and myself unless stated otherwise: When God speaks, He speaks to the heart It takes a heart to touch another heart If you're not going to wait for the answer, don't ask What's the point of hearing if you don't listen If you want to plant something for a season, plant flowers. If you want to plant for years, plant trees. But if you want to plant for eternity, plant love and the Gospel of the Word of God. - Albert Chia My favourite part of worship is the communion because I get to remember how Jesus died on the cross for me = ) If it is havoc in my heart, it is havoc outside. When I am worshiping, time doesn't exist A good education cannot be bought with money - it is all about your attitude. Everything you do must be born out of worship - Pastor Caleb Aaron Tan Some accidents are not accidents - they were meant to be If it doesn't cost, it is not worship - Rev. Dr. Dexter Low If you make God's name great, God will make your n...