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Showing posts from October, 2009

An alternative for cell group

Jo says: *gosh today I attended a cell *sooooo boring ::. † .:: Dancingintherain :... says: *lol i stopped going for cells *long time ago *cells are boring Jo says: *yea.....I mean the topic of discussion *new beginning ::. † .:: Dancingintherain :... says: *alpha course? Jo says: *conversion ::. † .:: Dancingintherain :... says: *=.= Jo says: *so basic ::. † .:: Dancingintherain :... says: *swtness *why do you even go Jo says: *Sigh *u kno these mega churches *must slot u in cells *after u come for like 3 services ::. † .:: Dancingintherain :... says: *lol *i know rite Jo says: *so business ::. † .:: Dancingintherain :... says: *my church wants to follow the mega churches *put everyone into cells too *i think my church is bound for destruction *sometimes i want out Jo says: *cells are fine  *but I don like being recruited ::. † .:: Dancingintherain :... says: *cells are done the wrong way *last time, my mom's strategy of cell was better *cell was divided into di...