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Showing posts from December, 2024

Children's Ministry Leader/Parent?

Pray and ask the Holy Spirit for a long term plan. Pray for each kid every day. Work on their individual spiritual growth rather than on activities. Build a good relationship with them. Raise them to be leaders  Raise a worship team Have them serve in the church service doing little things Teach them to do devotion every day

Pregnant through science

Wow.. how interesting. Let us go back to the beginning.. to the purpose of a family unit:  Gen 1:27 So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. The purpose of humankind is to represent God (The Holy Trinity)on earth: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Thus, one man alone cannot fully represent God. It takes a family -- which brings us to the purpose of a family -- to represent God. A single mother is not the ideal. Single motherhood is just a part of the whole and has never been the perfect will of God, tho it may be the permissable will of God. Basically, it is not ideal. The ideal would be for her to believe God for a man that God has appointed for her. A child should be the product of love, intimacy and communion. Ideally. Now that what has been done has been done, I wouldn't even bother to wonder if it is a sin or not lest I should sound like a Pharisee -- what difference does it make as the damage ...