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Showing posts from October, 2024

Christmas with older kids

is mostly the same as with the younger kids: Baking, decorating, setting up a super large Christmas town out of Lego together in the living room (check out YouTube for inspiration), setting up a Nativity Scene in the front yard out of pallets, have friends come over a couple of days before, hot cocoa with marshmallows and peppermint candy sticks, s'mores, reading the Christmas story in front of the fire, sharing your Christmas stories, take lots of photos with themed wear or matchies, plan Christmas at a log cabin instead, get a puppy... the list is endless

How to do Devotion?

 1. There is a difference between canned food and fresh food. Similarly, devotionals we buy from the shops are to me like canned food -- someone else has come up with them some time ago and preserved their devotionals in a book which we buy from the shelf. But spiritual fresh food is when we hear from God what He is saying today in our current situation. Don't get me wrong -- the Holy Spirit can use any situation to speak to us, just like canned food may still be nutritious. But eventually, I still prefer to eat my fresh veggies which I harvested and they're much more nutritious. 2. Devotion is not Bible Study. The word 'devotion' itself comes from the word, 'devote' which is when we devote our time, life and energy to God. The purpose of devotion is to develop intimacy with God whereas the purpose of Bible Study is to understand the Word of God. One feeds your Spirit, the other your head. Again, don't get me wrong -- the Bible says we study to show ourselve...

Homeschooling vs Christian School

Nothing can replace my relationship with my kids. I want to be the one to show them the answers to a difficult question, the one filled with joy when they first learn to read, the one who shows them all the multiplication hacks and the one who opened up their eyes to countries they've never been to before. Plus, nobody else is more responsible for their education than I. I can't blame the teacher if anything goes wrong. And even if I try to, what do I get throwing the blame around? Ultimately, I will do my best to teach my own kids and nobody else will put in the kind of effort I am willing to.