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Showing posts from December, 2021

Tight Shop

 Question:  Very tight budget. How do I shop? Answer: When you shop, shop by dollar per kg.  Shop online and sort by “price per unit”. Buy the cheapest of everything that way but don’t forget to read ingredients. Canned food, for example, vary in percentage of contents. They’re not 100% of whatever you think you are getting. So add the percentage to your calculations. Sort fruits and veggies in that order as well, so you end up buying what’s in season and on sale.

Evil Money

 Question:  If money is the root of all evil, should I teach my kids that? We are not well to do but we live off one income. Shouldn’t we be teaching them to be good stewards? Answer: Money is not the root of all evil. But the love of money that is the root of all evil. 1 Tim 6:10.  Jesus Himself was a businessman in the carpentry industry. Why is he a business person? Because he was not employed. He was self-employed. He had his family business on his shoulder as the oldest Son when Joseph died. Do you think he was a terrible business person? I don’t think so. It is our responsibility to teach our kids to invest and prosper. It has always been God’s will for us to prosper. His desire is to give us a hope and a future. God did not ask us to be poor. He asked us to help the poor.

Faith Vs Preparedness

 Question: Am I to have faith or prepare? Isn’t it my responsibility to prepare as a parent? Answer: We have faith but we still need to prepare as part of our responsibility, but it is about the attitude. We are not preparing out of fear but out of responsibility. Also, when it comes to contradicting values or scriptures, it depends on the situation. Sometimes, God asks us to have faith, but sometimes He gives us a warning (I.e. to Joseph, to run from Herod with baby Jesus.) so it depends on your situation. And this is the same with a lot of God’s word. When you find it contradicting, you have to know which applies to your situation — you have to hear from God yourself. That’s why we do our devotion every morning. God will tell us how to prepare for the day, week, season, etc. He will give us a verse from the Bible so we know which situation we are in.