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Showing posts from October, 2021

Busy 2 year olds

Question: What are the toys that keep your toddler busy while you homeschool? My little guy is almost 3 and very disruptive! Answer:  My little girl loves DUPLO, cooking toys (she’s a girl), but she also loves watching those little balls roll down tubes on YouTube so I’m considering getting her one of those. And she loves playing with cups, containers, small books and blocks.

Backward Writing 5-year old?

If this is you, then as a teacher, I would say, look out for signs of dislexia and always sound encouraging. But as a mom, I’d say, my daughter has the same issues, and I have to correct her, but I will not give in to believing that she is dyslexic. Just be extra patient with her.

Kids not motivated in math?

Try Pinterest for cool games. I used to work for a math company called Math Monkey which teaches mental arithmetic using games. Turn everything into a game. Some games included are treasure hunts, fishing and basketball. They have like number cards with either answers or questions. They have to hunt for them or fish them out, etc. and how many right answers will result in how many times you get to throw the ball into the hoop. Every throw is one point and you can buy stationary with them.

Role of Parents of Adults

Question: What is the role of biblical headship when you have unmarried adult daughters at home? What does it look like? Answer: A parent will always be a parent, no matter how old your kids are. Your spiritual responsibilities remain just as much as your natural responsibilities remain. At this stage, they should be mature enough to appreciate any advice from their parents, spiritual or not. And they should be going to you for advice. Just don’t shun them off due to age, if anything. My parents are also my spiritual parents. They raised me up both naturally and spiritually. And age doesn’t graduate anyone from having spiritual parents. Even if they are married, you still have Biblical responsibility to lead them. Because when they get married, you’re still their mom. Even after you pass away, you are still their mom. Nothing will ever change that. Question in response: Does the leading become more of a walking beside? Answer: Not really. Spiritual parents have spiritual authority. Thi...

Education a Response to Global Need?

Someone’s comment: Education requires experts. Let us leave it to the experts. Education has to respond to the global need for knowledge and skills. My answer: Since when was education created to respond to the global need for skills? They are human beings, not machines to produce a desired output. If the world has a need for skills, it is up to an individual to decide if they want to fulfill it. If they don’t have the best interests of the students at heart, they don’t deserve to write the curriculum. They’re using the students to fulfill the needs and desires of the politicians. — curriculum writer here.  How about the government control what is on our plate every meal according to the monetary and political benefits of the country rather than their health? Don’t follow every recipe given just because someone with a PhD in culinary wrote it. Who’s paying them to write what? Response to my answer: when was it created to not to? My answer: Education was first homeschooling before t...