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Showing posts from October, 2015

Words, meaningless; evidence, everything.

I am put on display for people to choose to follow as an example. Because they cannot see You, the Original Design, the Masterpiece, I must be the exact representation of You as a Christian, so that when people need to decide which religion to follow and which god to follow, they would choose You when they see me. I must be more like You. This is my gospel message: myself. I must love them like the way You love them and until and unless I love them, they will never know that You love them. Words are meaningless today. Evidence is everything. more people can have the same thing The more people I love, the more people can be copies of You and more people will have the same thing. And there would be plenty of ‘Jesus’s to go around. This is how the gospel is spread: by multiplying You. they would assume they were the same The last thing I want to do is to misrepresent You: to make people think that You are like me when I am nothing like You. The World would assume we were the...