Love is an action. If you know how to love, then you know exactly how God feels about you. If you can stand back and watch the wonders of what love can do, then you can stand back and watch the wonders of what God can do. The only love that I have for you is the love of God. And if that is not enough then I am so sorry for you. Don't stinge on love - there will always be plenty to go around. Can I be the one? - God Not because you deserve it, but because you don't. A sanctuary is more than just a building - it is the state of the heart. What's the use of knowledge without understanding, experience without maturity, words of wisdom without the substance of integrity, strong will without depth in character, godly values without godly fear, practicality without faith, and love that is conditional? You know what's in my heart, but now I need to know what's in Yours. When I think about the way He died on the cross for me, how co...