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Showing posts from March, 2013

The family poem

Every home has a family And every family has a home But some people live in broken homes And some homes have broken people Ultimately, what makes a home a home is us And what makes a family a family is really... love.

Work on it!

Mercy is a priority Forgiveness is the only way to maintain a pure heart Improvement is my standard There are no rules where anger and rage are concerned Stories are responsibilities - they have to be told If you want to be remembered for anything, be remembered for your worship Don't backslide - frontslide! Transformation starts from the heart. I need to reformat my heart. Life is not a competition - it is a race. Authority comes from submission With submission comes authority

Proverbs for the ministry

There is no glamour in full time ministry - it's all hard work, labour and toil and I love it. Ministry is when people use you, mock you, make fun of you, spit at you, push you around and hate you - that is true ministry.