Saturday, May 25, 2024

My Valedictorian Speech - Doctorate in Ministry - Velecdictory

 I represent the class of 2016. 

First and foremost, I would like to appreciate the people who brought this day into being: God, who never fails and makes sure we never really do; Rev. Dr. Dexter and Lily Low, my parents, who have poured not just knowledge but spirit, heart, and soul –their lives– into all of us –we truly hope we have lived up to your standards; and all our other lecturers who have been coming from all over the world whose hearts were to make us the signs and wonders God has intended us to be– you are all true servants of the living God. Thank you for those sleepless nights and invaluable insight that superceeds the treasures of the world.


Not all of us are here because we earned it. Some of us are here because we have, in fact, unintentionally earned it.

When I was still schooling, my dad used to say, “Don’t just study for the sake of studying. Study because you want to learn. It is not about the grades. It is about learning because you want to.” 

I, and many of the students and graduates here, started our classes in the School of Christian Ministries at least two decades ago. Why? Because our time here was really just to learn and not simply collect credit units. In fact, when many of us first signed up and attended some of those classes, we were not even aware of credit units being offered. 

In fact, don’t be surprised, if after this graduation ceremony, you still find us in classes with everyone else– not just as teachers but students.

I started attending courses in SCM when I was about ten. And I would like to encourage all the young people today to enrol as young as ten, not because it takes forever to graduate but because they are truly capable in understanding what these adults are talking about and can submit papers which are both relevant and competent. I am a living testimony of that.


During my time here, what I really learned was that we were special people. I have also learned how we were to be properly equipped as special people. We needed special training– and this is just the place to do it.

A graduation is the beginning of new beginnings. What lies ahead is life. Today, we celebrate new beginnings. 

[Prayer of Decree]

In Jesus’ Name, Today, we hatch the breaking forth of a new anointing, the unlocking of spiritual doors which stand between us and the destiny that is ahead of us– we say to these doors, be opened. Today, we pave the way for our graduates to walk into the promises of God upon their lives. They will experience a continuous road of victory and power. They will see the fulfillment of the visions and dreams that God has placed upon their hearts ever since they were young. There will be a restoration of those dreams today. We unlock their hearts to the realization of their destinies today, in Jesus’ Name.

My message to the Graduating Class of 2016:

If the world remembers us not, 

we are nobody;

If God remembers us not, 

we are nothing.

True legacies live on,

true legacies multiply;

A heritage leave not behind,

without a legacy.

No sons without fathers,

 no fathers without sons;

First a true son be,

 then a true father.