Wednesday, October 9, 2024

How to do Devotion?

 1. There is a difference between canned food and fresh food. Similarly, devotionals we buy from the shops are to me like canned food -- someone else has come up with them some time ago and preserved their devotionals in a book which we buy from the shelf. But spiritual fresh food is when we hear from God what He is saying today in our current situation. Don't get me wrong -- the Holy Spirit can use any situation to speak to us, just like canned food may still be nutritious. But eventually, I still prefer to eat my fresh veggies which I harvested and they're much more nutritious.

2. Devotion is not Bible Study. The word 'devotion' itself comes from the word, 'devote' which is when we devote our time, life and energy to God. The purpose of devotion is to develop intimacy with God whereas the purpose of Bible Study is to understand the Word of God. One feeds your Spirit, the other your head. Again, don't get me wrong -- the Bible says we study to show ourselves approved and many times over in Proverbs, the Bible says how important knowledge, wisdom and understanding is. Nevertheless, reading a love letter from my husband builds my relationship with him and studying a book about how men's brain works are two very different things. Also, many non-Christians still study the Bible today and remain in their various other faiths while some Christians go to Bible school hoping to be a pastor and leave as an atheist.

3. If you seriously want to hear from God, speak to Him and listen. Try asking Him a question and ask Him to give you a book, chapter and verse. Then close your eyes and wait for it.

4. I also recommend reading the four gospels to enhance that relationship with Jesus. Start with John. And as you read, listen to His voice, not yours. And read with your heart, not your head.

Homeschooling vs Christian School

Nothing can replace my relationship with my kids. I want to be the one to show them the answers to a difficult question, the one filled with joy when they first learn to read, the one who shows them all the multiplication hacks and the one who opened up their eyes to countries they've never been to before.

Plus, nobody else is more responsible for their education than I. I can't blame the teacher if anything goes wrong. And even if I try to, what do I get throwing the blame around? Ultimately, I will do my best to teach my own kids and nobody else will put in the kind of effort I am willing to.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Too Many Toys

Hide everything. Take one basket of toys at a time. Pack different sets in different bags for when he goes out so when you're in a rush, just grab one bag with toys he's not played with in a while and that will keep him occupied especially when you're going somewhere he needs to keep quiet or like a long drive.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

More conversational writing

As an English teacher, I try to encourage students to engage in as much dialogue as possible in their writing. Pick up any good book and just scan through the pages to find out the percentage of content that is actually pure conversation and thinking to oneself; and you'll realize that more than half to 80% of story content is indeed made up of dialogues. 

She just needs a few pointers:

1. Punctuation -- I can't emphasize this enough -- open with open inverted commas, and end with a comma or full stop (she needs to be able to tell which), before her closing inverted commas.

2. Each conversation and reply is a paragraph by itself -- each person in a dialogue will open a new paragraph unless it's the same person continuing a sentence after an action, i.e. "Hello," he said while looking at her, "How are you?"

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

If Your Husband is in Love with Someone Else

Other than praying for your husband, you can try a few things:

1. Pray and fast for him

2. Every morning, ask "How can I love you today?"

3. Look into his eyes, hold his hands and tell him how much you appreciate all he has done and how much he means to you, sincerely from your heart.

4. Wash his feet. Literally. With a bucket of water.

5. How you feel now isn't half as bad as how it's going to be if you really have that divorce. Do everything you can to save your marriage the devil is attacking. That woman is not from God. He is committing adultery. Don't give up.

Monday, September 9, 2024

What is Love?

God is Love.


Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.

1 Cor 13:4-7


Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.

John 15:13

Minimalism Vs Relationships

It's the way it is being done. Instead of forcing him, perhaps having a conversation and having him make the offer to do something about his stuff. 

Don't force it or have this dealt with harshly because at the end of the day, relationships are more important than having stuff or being a minimalist and we have to weigh out what really matters to us in this life. And if being a minimalist means losing your son, it's not worth it.

And think about fixing that relationship. Remember your priorities. Relationship comes before Lifestyle.